Labor no chance in a double-dissolution election

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    That's not me saying that, it's Richo in The Australian. I would not have been as definite but I agree that the polls are not predicting what would happen in a DD election.

    CHRISTINE Milne has been reading far too much into the most recent Newspoll. As she challenged Tony Abbott to “bring it on” when referring to a double dissolution I could not help but think this was dangerously false bravado. When Tanya Plibersek filled the screen and delivered a similar threat, I got really concerned.

    Newspoll captures the mood of the nation at a given point in time. Last weekend the government would have lost an election by a considerable margin, and that is all well and good up to a point — there was no election. Moreover, elections are held only after a minimum five-week campaign where Labor and the Greens will be massively outspent by the Liberal and Nationals parties, let alone the Clive Palmer spectre now lurking in the foreground of Australian politics.

    Maybe I should have added this bit:
    Such a campaign would feature millions of dollars in advertising Labor’s failures in economic management. While those claims would no doubt be highly exaggerated, it would be impossible to camouflage the political ineptitude and downright stupidity of the Rudd and Gillard prime ministerships.

    Thanks Richo.
    Last edited by Hanrahan: 20/06/14
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