Labor on debt, page-25

  1. 88,398 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "In the words that Kevin rudd used, I had to inject a stimulus package to save, Australia's economy, whoops put us in debt 600 bill, whoops, and as a result and threat of carbon tax against the mining industry because it was Australia's minerals for all Australian people who owned the minerals, What a socialist. "

    Well done to a right wing logic free zone mate -- top marks --

    now - as much as I dislike Kevin Rudd ---------- the example you gave was for when we lobbed guts up into a GFC --- totally uncharted waters --

    god knows what any Liberal would have done - god knows what any other government would have done -

    NOW -------- watch and learn ------------ look at the RESULTS --

    did we or did we not survive the GFC acute stage rather well?

    The answer is a resounding YES.

    Whilst other nations were devastated.

    Now, I am not going to say that's thanks to anyone in particular - although I do believe a lot of it had to do with what Keating set up -

    but, I am sorry - you have to face facts - the government did us pretty dammed fine in a GLOBAL meltdown.

    It would be a very brave person to say that anyone else could or would have done better.
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