labor questioned on how to fund spending, page-8

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Surprise surprise, a few of us were telling Yeldub and the ALP supporters in here that China was slowing, that Europe in turmoil - so China slowing, that the US consumer delevering - so China slowing. That Australia facing major headwinds so maybe significant debt PER CAPITA is not such a good idea. That definitely the MRRT and CT not a good idea. It was met with derision.

    Everyone in the whole wide world knows China is slowing CW so don't get too excited by thinking you are the one with inside info. They had to slow to contain inflation which appears to have worked. They now have room to move on rates in order to keep growth at 7.5%. They are on target for more sustainable growth for the next century. China also moving from growth by exports to a bigger middle class and increasing domestic consumption. So while you think it is the end of the Asian century, many think we are at the beginning of the Asian century. Don't let short tem volitility cloud the long term picture CW.

    Several of us have stated that the CT and MRRT were the worst timing of all time based on looking forward at this current situation already in motion. I was called a merchant of bad news to sell gold by Yeldub. A standard attack when you are wrong and losing an argument and supporting the absurd is to attack the messenger.

    ROFL Look at the "fiddle the budget books" thread from last night and see who reverts to name calling when shown to be posting absolute nonsense. And I can't think of a better time to start a resource tax than at the very start of the increase in volumes of our resource exports. Also, at the time when we, as a country, are sharing the problems of the mining boom via higher AUD, higher wages and higher interest rates, the time is ripe to share the benefits. It's just a pity the Libs and Greens were against the reduction of the Company Tax to make it easier for our businesses to compete on the world stage.

    He is looking more wrong all the time LOL. Now the ALP go on a spend-a-thon to buy popularity and become an even bigger wrecking ball for the Australian economy. Swan the dog ate your mining boom and instead of leaving it alone you had to "share" the fruits of their risk (and investors) with Australians well now it is looking shaky - very shaky and will get worse.

    If the ALP had any business acumen they would realize that you have to encourage business not punish it when things start to go well.

    PS sentiment is sell - sell the ALP - we NEED an election now and to throw them out.

    And in all your ranting and raving about the ALP "spendathon" you neglect to mention, or have no idea, that ALL ALP spending policies since 2009 (other than GFC stimulus) must be met with either spending cuts to match or revenue raising to match. That is why the increase in Super contributions, the tripling of the tax free threshold, the instant write off provisions for small business the single depreciation pool, the infrastructure spending etc etc etc are all tied to the revenue measure of the MRRT There will be no increase in the debt per capita due to these new policies.

    It is the Libs that you need to be concerned about. They seem to be keeping all the spending measures but promising to remove the revenue measures. That will be the big increase to debt per capita. Massive job losses on the way if they don't lose the unlosable. Be very very careful what you wish for, those uneployed won't be spending their dole cheques in your shop.

    "Wrecking ball to the Australian economy" - ROFL.
    4.3% growth
    5.2% unemployment
    1.2% inflation
    3.5% OCR
    Budget back to surplus
    AAA rated bonds with low yield
    record investment pipeline of 920 BILLION with over half committed.
    People with jobs and dignityand able to pay the mortgage which keeps your house price stable.
    Be very careful what you wish for

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