labor sidelines effective assessment of nbn, page-58

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "The deal with Telstra ensures there will be more than 80% uptake unless 20% of the population don't have internet or a fixed phone line. Given the deal with TLS the NBN can break even at under 70%."

    The "deal" with Telstra is to shut down the copper network so we suckers don't have any choices! I'd hazard a guess that 20% of the population now doesn't have a fixed phone line. They use mobile technology.
    With the onward rush of wireless technology - mobile phones, wireless internet etc many Gen Y's now don't have fixed phone lines, no need to. The new Generation less so. Talk to any kid today and they are not interested in having a phone on the wall, they want wireless. They go to Maccas and use the WiFi. And it's all wireless technology now that is being advanced at a tremendous rate. The NBN won't even get a 50% take up rate, that's why this Government is forcing this onto the population, by regulation.....they know it is doomed, but why back down on this as they have on every other issue?
    It is dumb, it is stupid, and it will become a massive waste of taxpayer money. We will never ever know the real figure of take up as all competition is to be taken out of the market as this Labor Govenment has not got a clue what transparency and honesty means.
    Vote Labor..........yaaaay
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