labor sidelines effective assessment of nbn, page-68

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    welcome to the Australia, latest socialist dictatorship.

    Frankly I cant say I am surprised by any of this.

    When thugish unions and mentally unbalanced greenies have control of the Australian government via an obvious front, a fake political party they control...

    When the union bosses appoint a power-hungry,fabian socialist as puppet PM to dance to the union boss organ grinder...

    Then the entire show of government is just smoke and mirrors to distract and divert the public while their pockets are picked.

    The Australian voters have allowed this catastrophe to befall them by allowing our young to be brain-washed, indoctrinated and dumbed-down over many years of "education".

    The Australian voters have allowed this catastrophe by accepting a corrupt media that is infested with leftists and socialists.

    The Australian voters have allowed this by allowing greenie insanity to fester in the communities without being challanged.

    The similarity of Australia's desperate situation to the US situation is too obvious to ignore where their government was also hijacked by union thugs and socialists with an agenda of rorting, union control and diversion of cash flows to unions and cronies, a dumbing down, brainingwashing and indoctrination of youngsters, greenie insanity all assisted by a dangerously corrupt media.

    In the case of the US people-power has risen to challenge the socialists and the union bosses to take back America.

    We need a similar people-power movement here in Australia to stop this government insanity now.

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