Labor stealing savings

  1. 12,638 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3421
    Jim the socialist drop kick wants to raid super funds again. The think Labor said they wouldn't do. They lied of course. The issue is others will fall into this over time. Labor love to steal money and go after people who earn money and punish them. The politics of envy is disgusting and Labor needs to go. I want decent honest govt who are not corrupt. Labor are horrible and the Greens are worse. Those two have to sleep with each other just to get into govt and then we all end up with woke, high costs, more regulation with less freedoms. America dumped these cestpit thinkers and we need to mature as a country and end them in Canberra. Pity Dutton is no Trump and we dont have a Musk here to make this happen. Anything will be better than the current idiot factory.
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