So if you're receiving the full pension and you have $100k in...

  1. 195 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    So if you're receiving the full pension and you have $100k in say TLS, you're a wealthy retiree. ? That $9000 in fully franked divs just became $6000. I'm sorry but to me Shorten just started screwing his "BATTLERS "
    I think as usual this story has a long way to go. ie this will not end up carte Blanche but be bracketed sliding scale on value of shares held, if it sees the light of day at all. And while looking at areas to save money no govt will go near middle class welfare for fear of losing the election. I mean families on combined income of $250k being tax neutral PLEASE!!!
    Dear Bill our population is aging ie don't piss off the ever burgeoning GREY/ BABYBOOMER vote. It might just be more potent than that FAMILY vote.
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