No sane political party would pull this sort of...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    No sane political party would pull this sort of musical-chairs-stooge-PM game on the Australian electorate if they were planning or expecting to have any sort of chance in the coming election...

    However the union-bosses seem to be aware that there is a small chunk of the Australian electorate who generally fall way down on the far left (low value) side of the IQ Bell curve who in the past would vote labor/green regardless, but now are less sure, and so seem to have directed their musical-chairs-stooge-PM game/now-you-see-the-PM-now-you-dont shadow play at trying to keep some of these challenged folks who have finally become completely disgusted with Gillard and her lies, deception and stonewalling...

    In a sane world, with an even remotely sane and viable political party running the government, the most important question right now would be more about if Rudd can last another week before the union-bosses dump him for yet another stooge in a sort of pass-the-stooge-PM game of smoke&mirrors deception...

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