Labor unveils plan for older workersBy Michelle Grattan, Meaghan...

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    Labor unveils plan for older workers
    By Michelle Grattan, Meaghan Shaw
    July 9, 2004

    A Labor government would set up career centres for mature-age job-seekers and establish a "rapid assistance service" to prevent displaced older workers falling into long-term unemployment.

    Opposition Leader Mark Latham's plan, released yesterday, makes new commitments of about $136 million in a total package of $212.4 million.

    The policy comes a day after the leak of a report commissioned by the Federal Government that found the privatised Job Network was not meeting the needs of older people.

    Mr Latham released his policy at a chemical factory, which employs a good number of older workers, in the marginal Liberal seat of Dobell in NSW. Both sides of politics turned their attention to older job-seekers, with Prime Minister John Howard also including them in his campaign speech in Adelaide.

    "Many Australians do not want retirement to change their lives completely. We should reward this sentiment and help mature age workers to stay in touch with the labour market," Mr Howard said.

    Labor's career centres for older workers would be set up next January, would receive $26.5 million over four years, and are expected to help up to 63,000 people by July 2007. They would offer help with job searching, literacy and numeracy assessment, counselling and advice on changing careers. The $47.2 million rapid assistance service would be phased in from January, targeting 10,000 workers a year by July 2007.

    Labor would also set up a retraining fund that would match an employer's investment dollar-for-dollar up to $1250 per worker.Learning bonuses of $2000 would help older job-seekers take up apprenticeships or traineeships in areas where there were skills shortages. Mr Latham said that one-third of Australians aged between 50 and 64 were on income support.

    "It is time for the Prime Minister to stop talking about this, recycling the same promise election after election, and actually do some things to help the job opportunities and securities of mature-age workers," he said.

    Federal Employment Minister Kevin Andrews called Labor's plan an "uncosted dog's breakfast". He said Job Network services had found jobs for 95,500 mature-age workers last financial year.

    But ACTU president Sharan Burrow said Labor had got it right where the Government had failed. "When Treasurer Peter Costello released his Intergenerational Report, he failed to do anything on the issues confronting mature age workers and future workforce needs," she said.

    "Unemployment amongst mature age workers aged over 45 is too high and the Government has no plans to address this."

    The Australian Council of Social Service welcomed Labor's focus on computer skills and vocational training, saying it made sense to broaden the skills of mature workers.

    But ACOSS deputy president Sue Ham called on both parties to reform Job Network funding to help long-term jobless of all ages re-enter the workforce.

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