"The more I think about it, I realise what a great government...

  1. 135 Posts.
    "The more I think about it, I realise what a great government this has been since 2007."

    Dust - you need to think a bit more mate. Sober, next time!

    Having lived through the Whitlam era I can honestly say, the Gillard/Rudd era from 2007 on is the worst government this country has ever had. They've taken Gough's crown.

    "Abbott is so incompetent and visionless that it's simply laughable. Seriously, imagine that clown as PM.....lol.

    What the heck would he do!!??.....lol"

    Interesting viewpoint. Try these for a start:
    . pay off massive Labor debt and restore a surplus
    . scrap the taxes on mining
    . consign the tax on CO2 to the same bottom drawer as Y2K
    . reinstate the industrial watchdog and implement industrial reform
    . restore the business confidence that has been sapping since 2007
    . get Australia moving and get government's hands out of yours and my wallets.
    .scrap the NBN and leave commercial interests to the private sector
    . restore the golden era of prosperity these galahs have trashed.
    . do something Howard never did - legislate to make it much more difficult for unions to funnel funds from members to the ALP. It should be only permitted to be used for members' interests only. In other words, starve the ALP of its source of funding. Let them woo business instead of pilfering from unionists.

    According to the polls, many more agree with my view than yours, it seems. Not everyone is stupid - but 33% seems to be the current benchmark.
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