LaborgateI believe we the Australian people need many Royal...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    I believe we the Australian people need many Royal Commissions into the dealings of the current Labor Party. This Australian Labour Party is the most inept, incompetent, corrupt political party in our history.
    Ever since the Federal ALP was elected in November 2007, Australia has never experienced so much corruption by the political leaders in our history of over 200 years. The extent and amount of corruption is unheard of.
    The corruption within the ALP stems from the most basic level, from Local councils, to State Government, to the highest level in the land, the Federal Labor Party.
    After almost 4 years of Labor at the Federal level, with every policy a disaster of the most gigantic proportions, nothing of which was sane, or costed, nor required by the general public?but ?pigs might fly? insanely implemented policies, by sociopaths?that has brought the Australian economy to its knees, the Australian public has had enough.
    The catalyst, the straw, that broke the camel?s back, is the Bruce Wilson/Julia Gillard/AWU fraud.
    The allegations that an Australian Prime Minister who was involved in a personal affair with a now former head of the Australian Workers Union, who has been accused of fraud, but never brought to justice, is at the gutz of the matter.
    The fact that her predecessor was also a sociopath, with such insane policies, that he never consulted with his advisors, but ran a one man show, albeit of any sane thoughts, and dismissed the zillions of investigations and reviews he demanded, organised, but then dismissed.
    The ALP at a state level, which allowed the destruction of over 70% of our Australian food bowl, to be ripped up, destroyed by mining companies, without regard to environmental issues, in the urge to sell off, and get a quick buck, to cover the rape and pillage of our people, in order to pay for their most gross incompetence in managing a state budget.
    And finally we need to look at the Trade union Movement, and how they appear to be exempt from the most basic Financial Accounting Standards, and or the most basic of the Australian Taxation Laws.
    How is it possible, that a union organisation is totally exempt from the Australian Taxation laws.
    How is it possible that a Union Organisations is also exempt from the most basic of Accounting Standards
    This is the most un-australian thing, period I have ever my whole life.
    I personally believe this is a case of organised corruption on such a huge scale....the equivalent of which may be compared to a global mafia organisation..
    .....I look forward to your personal reponse...thoughts...and how we can fix this problem

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