labor's 2013 election campaign review

  1. 7,659 Posts.

    We invite you to be involved in Labor's 2013 election campaign review.

    The review will seek to make recommendations to the Party regarding:

    how to improve our campaign operations across the next electoral cycle; and
    how the labour movement can build better grass-roots campaign organising in the community.
    If you were involved in the Labor campaign in any way, we would love to hear from you. There is no set format for submissions. All we ask is that you read the terms of reference (set out below) and tell us which aspects your submission addresses. If you can, please also provide brief details of your role on the campaign, your State or Territory Branch, and your local campaign (if applicable).

    The final report will be provided to the National Executive next year. Where appropriate, recommendations and feedback will be circulated to members.

    Submissions open today and close 5pm AEDT Friday 10 January 2014.

    They can be emailed to [email protected].

    We may quote your submission in the final report. If you would prefer that we didn't, just let us know.

    If you have any questions about the process, please contact Nathan Lambert at the National Secretariat on [email protected].


    Jane Garrett and Milton Dick
    2013 Labor Campaign Review

    Terms of Reference: National Campaign Review
    The Review will be conducted by Milton Dick, Leader of the Opposition, Brisbane City Council and Jane Garrett, Vice-President of the Australian Labor Party.

    1. The Review will consider and report on all aspects of the conduct and execution of the 2013 election campaign including:

    Advertising and messaging
    Campaign decision-making
    The process for the management of candidate issues
    The relationship between the central and local campaigns
    Campaign staffing as it relates to capacity and appropriately skilled staff
    Campaign technology, including voter contact technology
    The field organising program
    The sharing of data across the Party
    Digital campaigning, including the potential for it to be further localised
    Online fundraising
    Preference negotiations and arrangements
    Campaign training needs and resourcing
    The contribution and role of the union movement and other parts of the progressive movement
    The significance to future campaigns of the increase in the size of the pre-poll vote, for example as it relates to the timing of advertising and the official campaign launch.
    2. Provide recommendations about how aspects of the above could be improved upon for the 2016 campaign and recommended timelines for the rollout of those improvements ahead of 2016.

    3. Provide recommendations about how the labour movement can build better organising campaign structures across the broader community at both local and national levels.
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