If Private Aged Care wasn't mishandled by the Federal Government...

  1. 1,841 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    If Private Aged Care wasn't mishandled by the Federal Government we probably wouldn't be here and yes the Hotel Quarantine was a debacle too.

    I'm sure that if the whole story came out regarding the Hotel Quarantine many on H.C. would look like the politically driven gooses they are. Maybe one day that will happen and then to can more on to muddying the waters on something else.

    What are you going to post when the lockdown is eased and we get more outbreaks or that when the borders open and we don't see a big boost in activity? Who are you going to post is to blame then?

    This Coalition Federal Government (building on the Abbott legacy) has worked bloody hard at destroying confidence and sadly for us it's the only damn thing they do well. I mean hell they wouldn't know what a front foot was if it booted them in the behind. Good thing they wear those Australian Flag Lapel Pins at least, it may one day remind them what country they are supposed to work for.

    Do tell though just when are the extremists in the Liberal Party and their string pullers going to be honest, they don't care how many people die just as long as it's not them and they can make money. That's what sowed the seeds of were we are with regard to the Private Aged Care problem and that same don't give a stuff attitude for those outside their small circle had our economy nosediving before we had a Covid-19 impact here.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Morrison thought Covid-19 was sent by a higher being so he can put his long list of abismal failures behind him, no doubt so he can start an even grander one.

    I hope the Fuedal Budget does something but it's like they can't help themselves they will always fail as long as somebody else picks up the tab.
    Oh C**P, that's us.

    Back to subject IMO we're better off with Dan Andrews tha Scott Morrison.

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