Contrary to Tony Abbott painting the Liberalsas pure as the...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Contrary to Tony Abbott painting the Liberals
    as pure as the driven snow on back-stabbing
    leaders when compared with grubby Labor:

    With help from Minchin's Mutineers, Tony Abbott
    back-stabbed Liberal leader, Malcolm Turnbull
    who'd back-stabbed Brendon 'Horatio' Nelson.

    Labor is no better or no worse at backstabbing
    leaders while professing undying love for them.

    With help from Labor MPs who were scared that
    Kevin Rudd's plunge in popularity could cost
    them their seats Julia Gillard overthrew Rudd.

    Now the boot is on the other foot as Labor MPs
    are scared that Gillard's plunge in popularity
    may cost them their seats and Rudd's star
    is rising. Fairfax did some polling and it
    revealed that Labor (under Rudd) would
    attract almost 7% more votes than Labor
    with Julia Gillard at the helm of the party.

    And guess who is smiling like a Cheshire Cat
    while pledging undying loyalty to Julia Gillard.

    Last minute Switcheroos work. Labor swapped
    Bill Haydon for Bob Hawke and the Liberals
    led by Malcolm Fraser lost the election.

    As the saying goes in Canberra: A week in politics
    is a long time. So the 14 weeks to the election
    on 14 September is an eternity on steroids.
    As Bill Haydon said when he was deposed:
    "A drover's dog could win this election."
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