I have just read Hal Colebach's (a Perth Solicitor) recently...

  1. 61,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 312
    I have just read Hal Colebach's (a Perth Solicitor) recently released book "Australia's Secret War" and encourage anyone interested in the sordid history of the Australian Labor Party and it's traitorous union support base to read this book and be thoroughly disgusted.

    The well researched detail and first hand accounts within the book is amazing and the exposure today of what went on in the WW2 years cannot be described as anything but seditious, traitorous and fully supportive of the enemy by the Australian unions and by complicity and inaction, also the Labor Governments of John Curtin (and later)Ben Chifley. Many of the Curtin Ministers and of course union leaders were avowed Communist and Trotskyites

    The following summary of events that took place in the War years should shock any Australian as it did me, as such actions I was personally not aware of until I read the book.

    Between 1939 and 1945 virtually every major Australian warship, including at different times its entire force of cruisers, was targeted by strikes, go slows and actual sabotage!

    Australian soldiers operating in New Guinea and the Pacific (including I might add, my father and his two brothers) went without food, radio equipment and munitions, and Australian warships sailed to and from combat zones without ammunition, because of strikes at home.

    Planned rescue missions for Australian prisoners-of war in Borneo were abandoned because wharf strikes in Brisbane left them without heavy weapons. Officers had to restrain Australian and American troops who had sworn to kill striking trade unionists.

    Unionists involved predominantly included, of course the Waterside "workers" and Coal miners (energy) among others who went on strike for "danger money" and any other petty excuse when they were already being paid more than twice what the "diggers" were.

    I could go on, but suggest you buy the book, have a read and I'm sure any fair minded person would be astonished and embarrassed to be associated in any way with such traitors being considered, Australian.

    One of my first jobs in life was in the Mercantile Marine Office in Sydney. In the late 60's I witnessed some of the scurrilous strike action taken by the Seamans Union led by Elliott Elliot, a devout Communist. The lemming unionists, who referred to each other as comrade, were only too willing to be take strike action at the drop of a hat in order purely to ramp up their remuneration or conditions.

    I assume that some of this destructive, anti- Australian action, disclosed in Hal's book and that witnessed by me still pervades the waterfront in our major cities. However, nothing could match the abhorrently traitorous action which took place during the crisis and direct threat to Australia during WW2.

    Reading the book in the knowledge that my father and his brothers fought in North Africa, New Guinea and two were taken prisoner and served years in Changi Prison in Singapore, made my blood boil.

    The knowledge that unions of similar (but weaker) ilk still form the support base of the various Labor Parties, leaves me with dismay that anyone would support such a Party.

    Whilst the Labor supporters like to draw a long bow to parrot their belief that the Labor Party is the "working man's" Party, I believe this book will change their mind.

    The book provides well researched and many first hand accounts of pure greed and lust for power and reward during Australia's most urgent and critical period in history.

    To contemplate that such activity was condoned by the inaction and virtual complicity of the Curtin Government would surely dissuade any right minded Australian from contemplating a Party with its roots in such a diabolical mire of graft and corruption (sound familiar?).

    Unfortunately, much of the past is borne out in subsequent years and to some degree still pervades what is left of union backed Labor.

    I commend the book to you.
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