labor's disgraceful 'porn star' slur, page-17

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Dust - don't know why I bother getting involved in, let alone still bother to address, such "kindergarten playground" na-na-na-ne-na-na trivialities back and forth as these, the Left's obbsessive focuses on the miniscules.

    However, I suspect like the silent majority of Australia's population, I too am getting pretty fed-up of the dirty and rotten games now being played daily by this scurrilpous Left Front Bench, and their supporters - yes, so many of the Left - and often under cowardly cover of Parliamentary immunity.

    Yep -dishing up putrid dirt daily, a bit like the nagging wife syndrome. All re. issues long ago dealt with and discussed ad nauseum, every last drop of politically based venoms and hatreds having already been extracted by this now full bore entity of spite and venom known as the Labor Party - yes, a dangerous machine chugging away day in- day out. A Party based, it seems , on the premise of "we hate - and NEVER by halves!" If one looks hard enough, we even see the veiled threats!

    (A. Jones now being portrayed as at least the living equivalent of Jack the Ripper). When he's just a garrulous "older" bloke, like most of us, with an opinion - sometimes possessing an (outrageously to some) runaway tongue, and opinions sometimes best left to himself and his own counsel.
    Great journalists now being sacked - and this Labor push to control freedoms of speech in and outside the overall media!
    "OUR" ABC doing their darndest to support their causes - all of them! On OUR monies!

    But no, out march the "We hate Jones" brigade - the "how dare he" professional banner carriers and loathers - and, of course, it's OK for their chief loud-hailer female "star idol" to spout her defiant and cheap, no class whatsoever "He's a gutless coward's" from the safe distance of OUR New Delhi High Commission (where she has entrenched sycophants who organises a function where she could continue her smug insults, to some Indians blissfully ignorant of the REAL facts - yes, some "Young Indian Leaders" forum; manipulated young people all falling about in derisive laughter at the host's, and Gillard's, sneering references to Tony Abbott that day, at HER foul insinuations and portayals of Abbott to the gathered there as some foul "misogynist".

    Perhaps, if Gillard is now the epitome, to the silly "some" of the world's female population, of some new raging female rights campaigner, she could have said something whilst in India condemning the practice so often occurring there - that of family members throwing acid in young women's faces, when they fail to produce a male heir, or they're proven barren, or their dowry's are found to be inadequate, and the bridegroom decided he prefers someone else with a bigger dowry!

    Or can she actually confirm to us, (or any old press clippings can perhaps?) - the truths of what is alleged she said, when ASU President, that she thinks married women are "prostitutes", or that she is "in favor of "full-term abortions". (An horrendous prospect - which most decent women and men would revile, even be physically sick over, rather, as being outright pre-meditated brutal "live" child murder.)

    She HAS to answer such questions, if she is then to blythly pretend and to cast herself, for political point scoring expediency (She's up in the polls!) - to bask, based on this shallow chatter she now enjoys with some misguided females, as now being in the "Germaine Greer class", as some new top ranked "ultra Feminist" hero expounding all womens' rights! Yes, we'll now see the "I'm all soft and loving and "cushy" and "I care" "real" Julia pulled out for the polls. (How many more versions ARE there?)

    Her disgraceful personal attack speech on Abbott being portrayed in cheap chatter rooms in grossly unjust and misconstrued fashion world-wide by severely misguided hysterical females, clueless as to the realities, as some sort of "great crusader Feminist Statement" - when in actual fact what she REALLY did during that speech in Parliament was to blatantly DEFEND Peter Slipper. In NOT attacking, one iota, a proven REVEALED REAL misogynist - by a speech which should have been stopped it's tracks by the Speaker - she approved of him - thereby urging all her cal to vote in his favor, to STAY!
    - and all because she still needed this said Speaker (or about to be EX-Speaker - and, worse, as it emerged later she was at that moment allegedly engineering via pre-meditated actions going on in the Speaker's rooms by her mates Windsor and Oakeshott - with soem involvement of Albanese it's alleged - all in itself a gross abuse of her power! Yes, they all NEEDED this man's VOTE - regardless of the Chamber's vote - to save herself and themselves and to keep them all in Power!! Very slimy tactics. So the whole vote-taking was a farce - the outcome pre-determined. He's rishgn - whatever the final vote! And this alleged deep chicanery is portrayed to the world media as some sort of "Feminist Victory??" The world's gone mad! If this is the level of real intellectualism abroad - then we, the human race, have NO hope of any form of moral survival.

    What about the abuse of position, the defamation, the libel, the filthy insinuations, which have damaged the reputation forever of not only Tony Abbott, but his wife, his daughters, his siblings (one of them gay), his parents, and his extended family?

    This lying twaddle, so grossly unjust, will now follow him on his overseas travels - if and when he's PM - and women of the world will be looking down their noses at HIM - when such filthly lies came out of the GILLARD mouth about HIM?

    And the Left still have the gall to condemn A. Jones - and call for HIS sacking? And label Abbott a "misogynist" with many SO LEFTIST they are not even bothering with and "allegeds!" Outrageous, one-sided, filthy, discriminatory, and lies. Yet Gillard makes a world-wide "thing" of Jone's unfortunate by sill throw away line at some private function - recorded on purpose by stealth by some sneaky so-called "journalist" smuggling in a recorder.

    The night after the speech, Abbott and his young demale staffer were debases at some "private" Union function by some sleazy "comedian" and top Labor MP's - Plibersek and Swan, for instance, sat through it - and sad and did NOTHING that night! One rule for them - these pure Labor self-righteous hypocrites (it's OK to slander as long as it isn't US!) and entirely other re-modelled rules for the Right - and we ignorant the ordinary population PLEBS!!!!

    Who would be already in gaol now - is we'd done some of what is now being alleged by those who are still holding prestigious posts - political and legal - somehow staying immune because of who they are and the power they can access!

    How self-righteous and hypocrital. Reminds me of the stoning mobs across the world- some poor women gates stones, hung, or beheaded - because she's an alleged "Adulterer". Her male "partner in crime", meanwhile, often some aged and pedppheilic debauchers, gets off scot free.

    Really, if you dwell on all this unjust hatred - and it's ugly outcomes - too much, it's all too depressing to contemplate.
    able to be, when the roof's about to cave in on the morals, mores, and principles and decencies, let alone the legal implications for the future - and so many real and absolutely monumental issues pertaining to some of our major public service office holders continue to remain covered up, deliberately hidden, or continuously, unexplainedly yet successfully being unaddressed - all to keep this Party in power.

    I see the inquests on the four young dead from the Pink Batts fiasco ONLY NOW starting to be held. Why so long we might ask? What a travesty and a tragedy. No one mentions THESE young lost lives any more. Most of all anyone from Labor! As usual - the legal reporting and resorts delayed for an outrageously long time - why? Grieivng families left in legal limbo?

    Can any of this be changed. No. But at least, in a democracy, or so-called democracy, each one of us has the right to comment, and to protest. But not for long - if the Gillard "let's clamp down on the freedoms of the Press 'cos we don't like what they're saying" agendas now under consideration ever reach any real fruition.

    This too long for some? Iron Mike rambling on again some will sneer? Well, to my mind - HUGE WRONGS and INJUSTICES and MIS-REPRESENTATIONS of the REAL TRUTHS need very SIZEABLE rebuttals!
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