labors mining tax cans 9000 jobs

  1. 46,458 Posts.
    Labor and the greens have voted to keep the carbon tax and mining tax.

    Queensland MP George Christensen has blamed the closure of coal mines, axed projects and job cuts on mining taxes.

    Projects which have been axed or are on hold include:

    BMA to close Gregory mine, near Emerald - 300 jobs
    BMA closes Norwich Park mine
    Xstrata coal to shed jobs across Queensland - 600 jobs
    Rio Tinto to close Blair Athol mine- 170 jobs
    Rio Tinto cuts work force at Clermont mine
    Rio Tinto cuts workers at Kestrel mine
    Rio Tinto to shed jobs at Boyne aluminium smelter - 90 jobs
    Peabody Energy shelves plans at Codrilla, near Nebo - jobs foregone
    BHP shelves Peak Downs expansion plans, near Moranbah - 350 jobs
    BHP to shelve Red Hill mine, near Moranbah - 2000 construction jobs, 1500 permanent jobs
    BHP shelves Saraji East mine plans, near Dysart - 2500 construction jobs, 1400 permanent jobs
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