well ghost1 - so what was good about labors policy...

  1. 29,753 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    well ghost1 - so what was good about labors policy launch??
    despite your ridcule of watso's response, it seems that watso was on the ball. commentators have universally welcommed the policy launch, economists have derided the liberal launch - and it seems that only howard and costello cannot add up, by claiming that labor have actually outspent the coalition. - really watso has no idea, but accepts newpaper reports, which show that lab have underspent (promises) the coalition by 10bn

    so maybe the question should be thrown back at you - what is so good about the liberals and their launch (perhaps you have answered this previously

    watso placed the following in another thread, but just for you ghost1, i will paste it here, because this article is a gem

    Peter Hartcher
    November 16, 2007

    John Howard has blown his best chance to turn around his failing election campaign. Facing opinions polls of chilling steadiness and deadly intent, Howard needed to use Monday's formal campaign launch to do something dramatic to change voting intentions.

    He needed to do something explosive. Instead, he blew himself up. Unable to change his tactics to suit the times, Howard went on an old-fashioned spend-a-thon. Instead of acknowledging that the country was in the midst of an inflationary outbreak and it was time for restraint, he splurged.

    It is one of three manifestations this week of how one of the Western world's most successful politicians has lost the plot, and it was by far the most important.

    Howard's $9.5 billion in new commitments on Monday took the Coalition's election promises to a stunning total of $65 billion. This is an extraordinary 6 per cent of the nation's total annual output as measured by GDP. It's the size of Vietnam's economy.

    It was a fundamental misjudgment. The Reserve Bank had raised official interest rates only last week, and just two hours before the Howard launch the central bank issued a public warning against further government spending.

    Yet Howard plunged ahead with an inflationary mega-binge. He trusted in three things. First, he trusted in our greed, that we would grasp every dollar of handouts that we could get and be grateful to get them.

    Today's Herald/Nielsen poll showed that this calculation was dead wrong. All of the 1465 respondents were questioned after the Howard launch, and only 10 per cent after the Labor launch.

    So the poll should fully reflect any bounce that Howard got from his launch, while not taking any real measure of reaction to Labor's launch. It should put the Howard launch in the best possible light.

    Yet what does it show? That, at best, the Coalition improved its primary vote by 2 percentage points to 43 per cent, and its share of the two-party vote by just 1 point to 46 per cent. These changes, within the poll's margin of error, are not even statistically significant. This is still, in Howard's word, annihilation.

    He should have expected that the splash would be ineffective. Why? Because he did it in the May budget with $31.5 billion in tax cuts. The poll response? Nothing. He did it again on the first day of the election campaign with another $34 billion in tax cuts. Again, nothing.

    If huge cash handouts had failed twice in a row, why would a third one make any difference? It didn't.

    Second, he trusted in our stupidity. Australia would understand cash handouts, but surely the country could not grasp some arcane economic point?

    Howard trusted that the country could not grasp the fact that inflationary overspending obliges the Reserve Bank to continue putting up interest rates. And that a future of ever-rising interest rates is the pathway to recession.

    Again, he was wrong. The media rose up as one in indignation at his irresponsibility.

    Instead of touting the wonders of his handouts, Howard was forced onto the defensive for the next two days, denying that he was an economic vandal.

    Third, he trusted that his spending would pressure Kevin Rudd into matching him or even outspending him. If Rudd had followed suit, any outrage at crazy spending promises would not have had any partisan power but would have applied to both parties.

    Again, Howard was wrong. Rudd said in his campaign launch speech on Wednesday: "We've learnt from the experiences of the 1980s. But it seems from Mr Howard's irresponsible spend-a-thon on Monday he has now forgotten them."

    Rudd went on to make new spending commitments of a net $2.3 billion, only a quarter the size of Howard's. In a single act, Rudd snatched the title of "economic conservative" away from Howard.

    His government yesterday was left trying to defend its profligacy with an embarrassingly lame argument. The Coalition is now saying that only spending outlays, not tax handouts or tax concessions, count. But of course, a tax cut is as real - and about as inflationary - as a spending measure.

    Of course, Labor is not pure. Its fiscal stance, if elected, will still push inflation and interest rates up. It has announced total campaign commitments of $56.5 billion, about the size of Libya's economy.

    But it is still more restrained than the Coalition. If an arms race is to stop, one side must call a halt. And this time, against all the stereotypes of Labor as the more financially profligate of the parties, it was Rudd.

    This plays perfectly to Rudd's pitch that he is planning for a long-term economic future, while Howard is a short-termer without a plan.

    And it spikes one of Howard's central attack lines on Labor - that they can't be trusted to manage the economy responsibly.

    It was a disastrous error for Howard.

    And the two other ways in which Howard showed he had lost the plot?

    First, he wanted to be prime minister again, he told us, to complete Australia's "transition from a welfare state to an opportunity state". Then he immediately handed out $6.3 billion in middle-class welfare in the form of education tax credits.

    Second, he and his government had spent all year telling us there was no "crisis" of housing affordability. Yet at his launch he offered a whole new system of savings for first home buyers.

    In all three, Howard exposed internal inconsistencies which make a nonsense of everything he has been telling us. His spending extravagance was simply the desperate act of a desperate man.

    The former US general and secretary of state, Colin Powell, has a favourite quote. It's from Thucydides: "Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most."

    Powell elaborated: "The more powerful you are, the more people want to trust you with that power. They would hate to not trust you with that power."

    Rudd exercised the restraint of a leader with judgment and confidence. And that is why Howard's campaign launch has only helped persuade Australia to entrust power not to Howard but to Rudd.

    Peter Hartcher is the Herald's political editor.

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