labors primary vote a lowly 35%

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    they desperately need the greens votes at 14% to get them over the line.....
    compared to a primary vote for the coalition of 50%
    so the electorate is not as stupid as the pollies think....
    thank god...this was a great nation for many years....but its been absolutely horrid for the past 3 years....

    we need good business managers to manage our country and to look after all the people....
    not just throwing money on the population who live in an electorate that the labor party might lose...
    for eg the rail line to newcastle....
    when we desperately need a fast rail from brissy to melb...where the vast majority of us live....and picks up all the regional between...
    we need bigger better hospitals.....not 100 billion spent on a dodgy internet service....
    we need so many things for all of us to share and benefit...not just a few swinging voters in newcastle...
    or some other electorate....
    the farmers and all the people in regional australia get attention at all...from the pollies....cause we have small safe seats...they are not interested...
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