Nothing like a few ACCURATE FACTUAL explanations from the...

  1. 626 Posts.
    Nothing like a few ACCURATE FACTUAL explanations from the Australian people's hero, Larry Pickering, to clear the air.

    The Climate Change Fear scam was invented by the United Nations to frighten people all around the world into supporting their quest to form a world wide extreme Socialist "Govt" which is described as sustainable world development. The UN's plans to form a one world Socialist Govt are defined in their Agenda 21 and supported by the Fabian Society. The Australian greens are strong supporters of the UN's plan which amounts to Socialism raised to the level of madness.

    This Climate change fear scam is a crucially critical component in the UN's plans and that is why the French UN woman and Greens Adam Bandicoot became so hysterical in wrongly trying to claim that the bushfires near Sydney were caused by Tony Abbott upsetting the Earth Goddess Gaia or some such rubbish when it was directly as a result of the Greens stopping clearing undergrowth.

    Also, what is probably not well known, the UN extreme Socialist plan is to seize control of Australia and exploit it to provide resources to the rest of the world under, of course, total control of the Socialist One World "Govt".

    This explains the UN French woman's panic at seeing Australia slipping from their grasp by the CO2 Socialist Tax being dropped and the dramatic way that Adam Bandicoot's rubbish was soundly denounced by all aspects of Australian media.

    We are indeed fortunate that the Australian people saw through the shocking incompetence and disgusting corruption of the Greens controlled Labor Govt and placed them into the garbage bin where they certainly belong and are now condemned to wander in the political wilderness for the next 20 years or so. Wonder if the Greens will become extinct ?

    Larry Pickering 2 DAYS AGO

    The ALP knows it has time on its hands and it intends to use it to placate the loony Left. There is no doubt the Carbon Tax will go despite Labor giving the electorate a two fingered “up yours” salute.

    Rudd MkII said the Carbon Tax was a fizzer, gone, dead, buried and voters have twice rejected it in two separate elections. If Labor persists with this immoral tax it faces Gillard style annihilation.

    Using an unrepresentative Senate to frustrate a duly elected Government is playing with fire and history shows it will lead to self immolation in a double dissolution election.

    Even the incompetent Gough's motley crew won when it forced a DD due to a recalcitrant Senate... the voters simply won’t cop it.

    But there are interesting side-plays afoot that the media pundits haven’t yet addressed.

    The Senate may well reject the Carbon Tax Repeal Bill on the first occasion but there must be a three month interval before the Bill can again be presented unamended. It must then be rejected a second time before Abbott visits Ms Bryce to ask for a DD.

    This leaves plenty of time for Shorten to play funny buggers and try for a deal that will keep his hard Left at least hopeful. But Abbott holds a handful of aces and shorten is without a pair.

    Even more interesting is that the Rudd appointed GG, Quentin Bryce, offered her resignation the moment Shorten was elected ALP leader, and for good reason.

    She concluded that there may be a conflict of interest because her son-in-law is Bill Shorten. Abbott refused her offer trusting in her impartiality.

    Now Shorten has set himself a course which will certainly present a conflict of interest for Bryce and either he or she will need to resign if he persists.

    Bryce has only five months of her tenure left after Gillard extended it until March 14 next year. But if a DD is to occur it will be well under way by then.

    Another fascinating political scenario is about to unfold and Shorten must be aware that electors are ready and waiting to pull the plug on Labor’s life-support if they are forced to another election.

    Shorten is playing a perilous game of brinkmanship that Abbott will win, but when will he win?

    It will not be until July next year before the new Abbott-friendly Senate sits and it would take within a few weeks of July next year before a potential DD election could be effected. The only card Shorten holds is time.

    Time could become Abbott’s sole enemy because it brings Clive Palmer’s Senate Pups into play.

    Palmer himself is of no consequence, Abbott doesn’t need his vote.

    Anyway, Clive must declare an interest and abstain from voting on anything to do with Carbon Tax, unless he coughs up his $6 mil. carbon tax bill, but what about his Senate Pups?

    Can they be seen to have an interest if their Leader does? Or can Clive announce that they have a “free” vote and do a private deal in a back room?

    If so, the High Court will be busier than a blowfly in a strange dunny.

    Add Clive’s undisclosed finances to the mix, which he says are nobody’s business (poor Clive doesn’t understand that bit) and we are in for another exhilarating period of good old Aussie rough-house politics.

    And to think I was going to hang up my pen... not yet I’m bloody not!
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