Acorn, another thing we can say with great certainty is that...

  1. 9,360 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 512
    Acorn, another thing we can say with great certainty is that advocates of nuclear power generation admit it doesn't come cheap. Indeed, it's widely held to be the most expensive of themajor supply sources around the globe today.

    so to make room for nuclear power in Australia, advocates also favor rigging the market to gaurantee returns for investors.

    allow me to rephrase that a little. Advocates of nuclear power would support any future LNP coalition, which previously i've described as the political unit of the fossil fuel industry, to rig the national electricity market.

    what an utter fiasco that would as evidenced by market participants gouging consumers during the unsettled past few years that yielded previously only dreamt of profits.

    and who would benefit from a rigged market. Obviously, the cabal of Australian coal, gas and uranium producers, and generators and distributors many of whom are majority foreign owned.

    remember a few years back Gina Rinehart presented Barnaby Joyce with a huge A$40,000 cheque at a conference, which was roundly criticized as overtly corrupt.

    the lovers of yellowcake want the approval of ordinary Australians to allow the LNP to formally rig the market in favor of rich and powerful friends.

    what a disaster that would be.
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