labour governments and debt

  1. 1,930 Posts.
    In it's so-far 109 year history, can anyone please tell me if there has ever been 1, just 1, ALP government, State or Federal, that left a legacy of less government debt when they left, than when they started.

    Forget the current financial crisis, the last World War, or the myriad of events good and bad, I repeat, over it's 109 year history has there ever been 1 ALP government that has fulfilled the above criteria???

    A - None, not 1, nada, nothing, zilch, zero, nix, naught.......

    A few managed to balance their budget in a particular year, but that was the best they could do.

    A shameful inditement, and a reflection of where this current ALP federal government is heading. We'll be paying this off for the next 10-15 years...........

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