MOS 0.00% 16.5¢ mosaic oil nl

lack of information, page-3

  1. 516 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Wouldn't hold your breath as I believe they only want to cut and run.

    In my view, there is a question of ethics here as they should have advised all shareholders of their prior discussions with AGK.

    Agree with the sentiments of westhx. If that is how this management team operate then i for one do not want a part of
    any further association with them and I pity any company they are involved in in the future.

    If they are absorbed by AGK then they will be used and discarded or become a voice in the wilderness in that company.

    I believe that they should be investigated for non-disclosure if it is established that they have breached their duty to their shareholders.

    It is also interesting that my sharebroker has been advocating a strong BUY for a considerable period of time. Months in fact.

    One could well ask the question as to WHY?
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