Lakemba, A Boy, 6, calls for caliphate in 'sickening' video, page-69

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    "Whereas the Bible teaches general pacifism and the brotherhood of humanity (turn the other cheek; do unto your neighbour as you would have them do unto you, etc; etc), some fanatics have perverted the meaning of the Koran (or have they?).

    Does the Koran leave open to interpretation or actually encourage a perversion of humanity?"

    Perhaps you could ask Joseph Kony about his interpretation of the Bible. Would you care for me to list maybe 1000 more examples of Christian terrorism? Like, the IRA.

    Terrorism is much, much, more complicated than 'religion'. It's a small part of the equation only."

    Quote Christian terrorism if you like. Talk about the bible and talk about the IRA . Only goes to prove what I have always believed, religion is nothing more than another form of mind control. Anyone who really believes in an almighty being and prays to him is brain washed to some degree. Some religions are more radical than others, but any sort of control, except self control, is going to lead to a person being frustrated, having surpressed emotions and desires and quite often this will surface in negative ways.

    If we really live in free, forward thinking , democratic society, how about people under the age of 18 aren't allowed to be taught religion? I live in an area that is very religious and have never met so many people who can't think for themselves and are at the mercy of their parents' or church's beliefs and are terribly unhappy.

    Mix religion, with violence and people with low intelligence that have lost their own will and live in denial and you have a dangerous mix.

    So the radicals in Lakemba want to kill people who believe in democracy and take over. I had a discussion with someone today who used to be a close friend but I lost him to religion a few years back. His answer is that god has a plan and this is his answer to everything. We shouldn't make decisions because god has a plan for all of us and no matter what we do, god will go ahead with his plan for us regardless. All we should do is pray that god loves us enough to have a good plan, then he will lead us to a good life and we will have good things and get an education and a good job and have a happy family. If god loves us we will avoid tragedy but if our life turns to crap, it because we didn't believe in god enough for him to love us.

    This comes from a man in his 40's that is very well educated. His answer to the Islamic extremists is that everyone should just let it run it's course and god will sort it out. Is it any wonder we have people running around wanting to chop people's heads off when people are so easily influenced?

    My plan, ban religion it has been the cause of more trouble in the world than anything else. Religion and god and the bible are a figment of the imagination anyway, like the easter bunny and santa. It's the people that take this fantasy too far that are dangerous, on both sides.

    Sometime ago I got invited by my friend to his church and just to prove a point I went along. The intention was to see what it was all about and then have an intelligent debate about it after. During the sermon i sat next to his wife, who is a nurse, and listened intently.
    The preacher talked about how the church had cured people with liver disease and had healed blind people through the power of prayer. I turned to my friend's wife and asked "you are a trained medical professional Wendy, how does that work?" The reply came,
    " I have no idea, but it does"
    So if we can take what I thought was normal people and convince them of this rubbish in the name of religion, it's no wonder we have crazies running around wanting to kill in the name of Allah.

    Oh and even though I live in the same town and see this couple about the place and ocassionally chat in the street, they are no longer friends. They are on the verge of being insane and the sad thing is their kids believe it too.

    Making children believe in stuff that isn't real and forcing your opinions on them is child abuse, no matter what side of the fence you sit.
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