The sooner the country embraces 4 year terms the better. In...

  1. 7,097 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3

    The sooner the country embraces 4 year terms the better. In reality, the time spent campaigning and calling elections when it suits means our productive cycle is probably nearer to 2.5 years. It seems ridiculous to have such a brief time slot for required substantial change.

    Some excellent points supporting a 4 year cycle, or even 5 years.

    The case for four-year maximum terms
    Modern critics focus on at least seven benefits they claim will flow from an extension of House of Representatives terms to four years
    :a long-standing claim holds that longer terms would encourage governments to introduce policies that were long-term rather than merely politically expedient
    it is claimed that longer terms would enhance business confidence over time,
    a great deal of money would be saved by having fewer national elections it is often said that Australians dislike the frequency with which they are required to vote a change to four-year terms would bring the House of Representatives term into line with most State and Territory lower house terms the current system is said to do little for the representative function that is so important a part of the MP's duties,
    and longer periods between elections would raise the standard of political debate.
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