Landlords are Leaches, page-903

  1. 11,469 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 726
    You have seen TTT go up almost 600% in a few months - just one example. There are others you can see for yourself if proof is something you require..

    One does not need to make mistakes in property in order to give advice. Such is illegal in any case.

    In fact, paying too much and thinking this earns you a right to give advice is stupid. You need your head read instead.

    What I have said is that one can do better.

    @UniversalTrader trader has correctly pointed out that many cannot do better for various reasons. That means they win or lose based on whatever the govt policy settings determine..... Gambling in actual fact. We currently have govt settings that have delivered record rents and record homelessness and a horrible cost of living crisis bought on in no small measure by brainless climate policies. We have the younger generations unable to save due in part to the record rents and they have HECS debt and credit card debts on top of that. The issue of who are you going to sell to down the road will arise at current prices... It wont be them; that we do know.

    So have a think about how current govt policies in place will play out over time.....

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