Hilarious, Trendtrader- LM(sore)AO! Heterosexual married people...

  1. 16 Posts.
    Hilarious, Trendtrader

    - LM(sore)AO!

    Heterosexual married people do not 'own language' as you put it, Trentrader - any more than 'the gays'.

    The 'hijacking' (your term) of you & I'm sure your lovely wife's 'holy matrimony' is not something the average garden variety 'gay' has even the remotest concern over - what are you really worried about?

    I could go on about the evolution of language too...ie "when were you down to your last brass razoo, drongo?".

    Newsflash - some words in the English language have - wait for it...more than one meaning!

    As a gay (happy) married person - you do not own the rights to the term, the concept or the institution of marriage - regardless of what Uncle Fred Nile tells you.

    Please get happy & DYO(GAY)R.


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