ARU 4.35% 12.0¢ arafura rare earths ltd

laramide up to 10 bucks, page-14

  1. 8,346 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 239

    Howdy guys, been away a couple of days enjoying some r & r and some great food and wine, making the most of things knowing that OUR future is in great hands.

    Busy thread these days..

    Wow, great to see these new names come too, welcome, thanks for the thoughts Starmanwin, the t o s s e r s will dissapear soon enough.

    Wonder what A.S. has been doing recently? Wonder if he has that smile on his face.. hehe, bet he does.

    I dont think legally they can hold back any sensitive information once they are aware of it, so it is really supposition whether or not Dennis will anounce drill results before demerger. He probably has some letters from the assay labs on his desk he wont be opening untill 05/05/07, what a magic day that will be.

    Of course LAM also have their diligence to respect too, and may blind side us, however I feel a joint announcement will be made with Lagoons Results. The results from El Hussen is what I will be focussing on when that announcement hits.

    Price action is currently sitting as I cautiously expected without news, being around mid 50's market value for ARU, and 25-30 cents range value for NUP listing at around 80 cents 05/03/07.

    Kalmsy, have you still got that market cap list on file you did on U wannabe's? Would love to read it again over the weekend to do some comparisons.

    Great spread sheet GF on Nolans, keep it handy and come mid year when the pilot plant is spitting out RE's and we have some further upgrades, I'm sure there will be another digit out the front..

    Still trying to free some time up mid feb to pop over Pirra, just won a couple of nice jobs over here, so might not be able to make it, council delays may work in my favour..

    See CMR hit ASX 200, cant wait for our turn too, 2008 probably..

    Hope you've got those of us you kicked off the list back on Kalmsy...

    Cheers all TCG
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Mkt cap ! $295.7M
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11.5¢ 12.0¢ 11.5¢ $146.3K 1.238M

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38 2135662 11.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
12.0¢ 1116955 18
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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