SP1 0.00% $1.07 southern cross payments ltd

Interesting question - why do you think this is certain to open...

  1. 1,182 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1074
    Interesting question - why do you think this is certain to open above last trade? You have historical evidence and the only institutional holder telling you it will open down, why do you think they're wrong? Even more interestingly, how are you so certain of this without knowing whether the ASX have uncovered anything? Would you not prefer to hold your judgement until after you read their report?

    If your answer is that you do not want to wait to see what the ASX say, and are determined to disbelieve their report, even if they have found proof of fraud, and are certain that this is opening green, I'd advise you to get out of share trading. Permanently, and for your own good. If you can't maintain at least some impartiality when appraising a stock, the share market is not the place for you. Skepticism of the ASX is fine. Blind loyalty to a director or a company is just asking for trouble.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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