EOS 4.21% $1.61 electro optic systems holdings limited

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    Dr Ben Greene is the CEO and Founder of Electro Optic Systems Limited, EOS on the ASX. It’s a company that’s been around a long time; it was a privatisation of some government-owned technology that had actually been invented when he worked for the government and they spun it off and privatised it, and he’s still CEO more than 30 years later.There’s been a bit of a struggle through those 30 years, but finally this year it’s taken off, the stock has been flying. It started the year at $2.50, now over $7.50-7.70 or so, so it’s really starting to move now becaus
    e they’re starting to make some money from their technology which are defence systems and space technology.They’ve just spun off a communications business that, as Ben says, is opticfibre without the fibre, which is connecting satellites via laser. The basic technology is laser, that’s what Ben invented and that’s what’s still the basis of the business but he’s rebuilt the company in the meantime and it’s starting to go quite well. It’s currently capitalised at $750 million dollars and he reckons he’s got a couple of years ahead of him of 45 per cent per annum growth.Here’s Dr Ben Greene, the CEO and Founder of Electro Optic Systems.Ben, you founded EOS more than 30 years ago and you’ve been plugging away ever since and it finally seems to have taken off this year, going from $2.50 to $7.70 now. But look, before we get into why that’s happened and what the sort of recent developments are, I thought it’d be good to just get a bit of a potted history. And I think what’s not understood about EOS that well is it’s actually a Federal Government privatisation. Can you tell us what exactly was privatised?I was director of a facility in the Commonwealth but was active in lasers in space. We’ve been doing that since 1973 and the decision was made to take it out of the public sector in ’84 and it was a long process.When you say it was active lasers in space, what do you mean? What does active lasers in space mean?Laser tracking of things in space. You can find and track things with radar, I think most people know how that works, and there’s another type of tracking which used to be called optical radar or laser radar, and it’s basically using laser beams to lock onto objects and track them. The advantage of the lasers is they’re much more accurate, so you can get a much better track much more quickly using lasers. That was what was in the government, we privatised that in ’86 and we ran for a decade just closing out all the contracts around the world that the Commonwealth had entered into to supply that technology and systems based on that technology to its allies.You’re a PhD in Physics – did you invent it?Yes.And as a government employee – so while you were working for the government you came up with this idea and this technology?Well, the concept’s been around since lasers were invented a decade before I came on the scene in ’73. Perfecting it is – there’s an immense amount of research development and technology development to make a concept work. Over a decade or more, we perfected it. Australia frankly has never been headed. No country in the world’s ever got ahead of us in the use of lasers for tracking and characterisation of objects in space.You’ve had some fairly dark times out of those 30 years, particularly in 2005, when I think you were sole contractor to the US Army for a $5 billion dollar requirement, but $600 million dollars into that program they rebid the contract and someone else got it and your share price collapsed.It was 2007 we lost the contract, that’s right. What happened was we suffered from catastrophic success. We got the business model just a little bit wrong. We got the technology right, we got the customer-set a little bit wrong because we were so used to working within US alliance, but we took the new technology straight to the US government and it did become a $10 billion dollar program, but we had underestimated how aggressively some of the major corporations would want to go after that $10 billion, even after the contract was awarded to us. One particular company sued the US Government – not us – in court on technicalities and apparently they were sound technicalities because the Government was forced to rebid and on the rebid of course you’re never going to win against established major players who can come in at whatever price they want to to take the market off you. So that was it, the market was taken off us.You said you’ve never been hesitant in your technology, how come you were…?I’m sorry, I have to explain. That particular program was a spin-off. To this day, the concept of EOS is the same. We have our labs which are the space labs, and they produce an amazing amount of technology. One of the spin-off companies is the EOS defence systems which does weapons stations. The weapons stations themselves were what was so successful, but you also have to understand that the US Government does business in a particular way and the moment you sign a contract with the US Government, they have the right to apply that technology through other companies for all kinds of strategic and other reasons. Depending upon how well established you are, the terms of that agreement can be quite benign or also can be quite harsh.Sounds more like China than America!Every country operates very similar rules, frankly. I don’t want to single out America for being harsh. When you get right down to it, if you talk about the most advanced military technologies, every country in the world has the legal right within its own borders to do pretty much whatever it wants. So, yes, we got the business model wrong and we fell out of the saddle, as they say. We lost that. Catastrophic success was catastrophic, so we rebuilt the company. The company’s been rebuilt in a different way. We’re not making that particular mistake again. We’ve made sure that as we release what we call disruptive technologies, we made sure that we penetrate at least 7 or 8 markets simultaneously so that no one customer can have a strategic hold on us.Is that what you mean by rebuilding the company? I mean, can you explain how you rebuilt the company? Did you change the product lines?What happened was we’ve rebuilt the company in a parallel direction. In that particular product line, over $10 billion Australian dollars’ worth of that product was manufactured. We only ever captured $1 billion dollars of that market and we consider that a disaster since we invented it, so we didn’t want that to happen again. We reinvented the product in a completely different way for the next $10 billion dollar requirement, and we did it in a way without disclosing to anyone what we were doing. We didn’t allow any government partners into that program. I want to clarify – in the first program which we ultimately lost the production contract, the US Government had provided $500 million US Dollars of R&D money, so they had a significant hold on the technology and the product even though it was ours. In the second phase, the products we’re making now, they’re 100 per cent ours. We put all of the money, so that it took 10 years. We put up all of the money, we expensed all of that R&D, we secured the first billion in sales this time for the next product wave, but in this particular case now, no other company has got a foothold and no one else can tell us what to do. That’s selling into seven different markets now and of course we’ll expect it to be displaced away from 100 per cent market share but probably relatively soon. But even if we finish up with 50 per cent of that market over the next 6 years, that’s still $5 billion. A significant amount of money.What’s the product?That particular product range is in our defence systems company. The first product in that range has sold $1 billion. We’ve got at least $2 billion dollars’ worth of tenders out now that will be awarded over the next 2 years for other products in the range and another billion for the original products. We’ve got a lot of business that’s in the mix right now and as I’ve said, in the next 2 years, we will probably still be able to hold 50 per cent or more of the market that we created 3 years ago. But when you say, how did we rebuild the company, we’ve also rapidly matured the space business and also as we just announced earlier this week, we spun-off a communications business which we think will be at least as big, if not much bigger than the defence business.Okay, let’s just focus on the defence business for a moment. I take it we’re talking about the laser rangefinder which is a spin-off from the original laser product, is that right?It started there in 1998 and it’s now become a complete weapons system. In other words, we developed the entire technology shrink wrap around an existing weapon that turned it into a remotely controlled and ultimately if it has to fight against robots it can be robotic weapon system in its own right.Does it find and shoot down drones, are you a drone-finder?Well, every company in the world right now will say what I’m about to say – we regard ourselves as the best drone-kill company in the world. Our customers are reinforcing that view but we’ll have a bit more to say about that in the public arena I guess in the next month. EOS is historically a company that talks through contract awards rather than what we think might happen.In the half-year, you reported $57 million revenue for the half-year, so how much of that was that product?Probably about 80-85 per cent would have been the weapon station product. The weapon station product will be about that proportion of revenue until we get to the 2Q of next year, when space and coms will start to make in-roads into the pie, as it were.Right, so tell us about the space product, what is that?The space product is basically a suite of technologies that allows you to find, track, detect objects in space. The applications are in commercial space for safety of navigation. That’s probably about 2-3 per cent of the market. There’s also a market segment which is to do with space debris mitigation, because there’s a very significant space debris problem in space and then there’s a lot of applications which are basically military around tracking satellites, tracking space debris and municipal defence applications. The space business has got a broad suite and it’s profitable as of this half, and will be more profitable as we go forward now. But the space business is also the incubator for very significant technologies that spin-out to create other companies. As I said, the defence business which is forming all of the current $750 million dollar market cap of the company, that spun out of space. Comms spun out this week and the comms spin-out was triggered by the completion of a laundry list of strategic developments we had to make before we could launch our comms business. We’ve developed a new means of communicating with lasers from ground to space and from space to ground, and that was one of a number of key developments.A lot of people focus on that, but in fact the key developments are even more difficult technologies around that. The technology that we developed allows lasers to achieve communication links with a thousandth of the power that was previously required, so that’s a huge advantage. You’re talking about needing an engine that’s a thousandth the size of another engine to drive an aircraft, that’s what we developed for space. That has a wide range of applications because it can be applied for tracking in space, it can also be applied for communications. We’ve taken the communications application, married it with some new technologies which we’ve developed for allowing communication links to be made with very small beams, in other words you’ve got to point very accurately.The beams in this case are the size of a football and you’ve got to point them at satellites that are 5,000 kilometres away and hit an antenna that’s the size of a football, so it’s exquisite technology and that’s probably one of our strongest suites. We can achieve that already, we’ve been able to do that for some time. Then with the next step, before we announced the communication segment was we had to make sure that all the elements of the supply chain was secure, and where we had only one supplier we had to stand up our own independent internal ability to manufacture that particular product. So we’re now ready to go forward in space comms in a fairly big way.I take it what you’re talking about is embedding data in the laser beam, is that right?Exactly. It’s simply fibre opticcommunications without the fibre.And who do you expect the customers of this to be? Just all telecommunication companies and cable TV companies?Anyone who needs to move data from one place on the earth to another is going to move it either through fibres in the ground and under the sea, or they will move it through space, they’re the only two ways you can get it from one place to another. Anyone who’s doing that is going to be a potential customer.Does your solution of using the satellite and laser beam instead of the opticfibre that’s currently under the ocean, is your solution cheaper than the opticfibre under the ocean?It’s interesting. We’re cheaper than the current fibres, but there are new fibres coming which I think will be cheaper than our forecast costs. It doesn’t matter because there’s so many places where you can’t get fibre. It’s embedded in the announcement we made on Tuesday, just as a proportion of terrestrial infrastructure, there’s $1 trillion dollars invested in communications infrastructure and only 40 per cent of that’s in space. The 40 per cent in space is carrying 20 per cent of the tracker, so it gives you an idea that space is about twice as expensive as anything, yet people have to go through space because sometimes it’s the only way to get from one place to another. You can’t lay fibre to everywhere as Australia discovered with the NBN, fibre just can’t go everywhere.The other advantage we’ve got is we’ve got very good technologies for doing broadband com on the move. You can’t connect fibre to a boat or a plane or a car, whereas our technology connects to moving platforms, so there is a big piece of the market and it’s at least a third of the market in global comms which requires…You can keep your football sized beam, trained on a football sized dish in space, 5,000 kilometres away, from a moving platform on the earth? That’s amazing!Look, it is fabulous. I have to quickly mention the downside. The downside is that our technology and optical comms doesn’t work when it’s raining, so there are lots of applications where you can’t use it. You wouldn’t use it for distributing videos to homes.Well, there’s no problem with rain in Australia at the moment![Laughs] Touché! We’ve identified that there is a transitional market for the next 10 years which should be many billions of dollars, which should be what we call hybrid systems. That will mean microwave comms hybridised with optical comms for carrying big loads and for carrying high burst rate/high demand comms, particularly for some of our strategic customers. That’s by way of explaining the announcement we made on Tuesday which was the acquisition of EM Solutions, a fantastic little Australian company in Brisbane that is probably the world leader in on the move microwave comms. Put the two companies together and you can do both, every element of future space communications.How much did EM Communications cost you and what do they do?EM Communications is a microwave communications company, they’ve got nothing to do with optical spectrum. They’re embedded in the current trillion dollar market, their revenue is about $30 million. But they’re a specialist provider for on the move microwave comms to military and commercial customers. Commercial boats as well as naval vessels. Basically, the way it works is they’ve got these antennas that are trained and have to track satellites while the ships moving and pitching and rolling across the sea. Currently, microwave antenna and the beam in space is a kilometre in size so the pointing accuracies are not required to be so high, but if you marry that with our beam pointing accuracy and the optical capability, you have a system that can run both technologies out of a single terminal.You’re going to sell microwave technology alongside your laser opticaltechnology?Exactly, yes. We had means of actually putting them into the same equipment, so we don’t have to drop parachutes into this market at the top end of high performance. We can deliver high performance to existing customers and rapidly broaden the base of that market at that level.I note that a couple of weeks ago you put out a very firm rejection of an Australian Financial Review story that you’re going to raise some capital. You said, ‘The speculation was unfounded and incorrect,’ which kind of introduces the question of what’s going on with your cash? I mean, I wonder if you can help me reconcile your profit statement for the half-year with your cash flow statement because you are burning cash according to the cash flow statement, but you made a profit according to your P&L, so what’s going on?It’s going into what you would call, stock. We bill stock against contacts, if it’s billed against contracts, it’s revenue and wherever it is in the process, it can be on-sea, it can be in pre-delivery phase. But you have to remember that we’re delivering now $20 million dollars a month, so a couple of months of pipeline of stock that’s on-sea or in pre-delivery or somewhere over in another country in customs. All of that is completed for revenue purposes but the cash wouldn’t come back to us yet.Are you consuming cash now or not?We made a very clear statement to the market and it reinforces that we’ve made earlier in the year that we are forecasting 45 per cent plus growth for the next 2 years at least and for that growth we’re fully funded in terms of cash and we’re not withdrawing that. The only situation I could see where we would be able to go back to the market for cash would be if we had revised our growth story upwards and there’s no... to do that yet. That’s consistent with every time we’ve approached the market for cash in the past it’s been, we’re changing our growth story. Instead of growing at this rate, you’re going to grow at this rate which is much higher, therefore we need more money. The logic of that I think is iron clad.The P&L statement suggests that you’re a 15-16 per cent gross margin business, is that right?That’s right. I don’t think the numbers lie…No, well I’m just wondering if that’s likely to be your margins going forward. A lot of technology companies are reporting margins of 15 per cent. But for you, you’re a manufacturer in a way, aren’t you?Most of the profit revenue is coming out of defence, so that would be considered a very good margin for a defence company. The space company has much higher margins than that and the comms company, depending on which element of the comms market we’re in, we’ll have similar or higher margins, so we’re not expecting overall our margin will be lower going forward, particularly since we’ll be getting more contribution from the space business.You mentioned that you’re changing the way you deal with buyers, in particular sovereign country buyers so that you’re having, instead of dealing with one country, you’re having several going at the same time. What sort of challenge does that represent for your sales process?I don’t think it represents much challenge, really, because all of the buyers we have have been buyers of our equipment for a substantial time, decades. It’s not as if we’re having to knock on the front door and push business cards through letterboxes. Most of our customers are repeat customers from some time ago, it’s just they’re scaling up their requirements. That hasn’t happened by accident, our whole technology program is based around customer relations and developing requirements and producing products that are synchronised with when their cash is going to become available. It’s a very integrated marketing process where the marketing is integrated with the product development.Your biggest shareholder I think is Fred Bart, he’s on the board isn’t he, he’s Chairman?Yes, he’s Chairman, he’s on the board. I believe that there’s no substantial shareholders above 6-7 per cent now. There’s a significant number of institutions in the 4-5 per cent range. I can tell you because I just looked it today for an unrelated reason. We have 4,500 shareholders.And you’re saying that you’ve got quite a few institutions on the register now?Yes.I think I’ve run out of questions. Thanks very much.
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