Also:Why were no bodies or any plane parts found at the pentagon...

  1. 1,616 Posts.

    Why were no bodies or any plane parts found at the pentagon or Flight 93?
    Even though it supposedly took out light poles but no wings came off or did it dent the ground....

    Why is over $1b worth of gold missing from the bottom of the towers?

    What where the explosions in the towers? Many that could be seen happening on lower floors as the towers collapsed? WHy did the towers fall at a rate close to natural gravity for a structure designed to withstand hurricanes and earth quakes. Why did it register a seismic reading below ground of 2.3...only an underground explosion could case this.

    How did the supposed pilots passport fall out of the pilots pocket, survive the fire and collapse and not get burnt even though it's made from paper yet the flight boxes made from the strongest materials on earth where supposedly never found? Even though one of the recoverers said they found 3 of the 4.

    WHy haven't they released footage from the other angles of the pentagon?

    WHy was Bush's brother Marvin the head of a security company given the WTC contract weeks prior?

    Why are half the people pictured as the supposed terrorists alive today and working regular jobs overseas? One lost his passport in the USA a year before the attacks.

    How did people make the calls from their mobiles when they were 32000 ft in the air? And why did they call their love ones and use their full names?
    Has anyone called their mum and used their full name to identify themselves?

    The supposed Bin Laden video in which he claims responsibility shows him writing with his right hand and wearing a gold ring. Firstly gold is forbidden in his religion and he is left handed. Besides it looks nothing like him. infact he was once funded by the US to fight the Soviets.

    Why did they blame arabs when no bodies where ever found of the supposed terrorists? Despite NORAD ran simulations a year prior with running drone run planes into the WTC and the pentagon.

    I could go on but just watch this then tell me it's a conspiracy and not fact.

    So many things don't add up...why are people being silenced after they come out with evidence? THank god in Australia we don't fear our government with our freedom of speech. This has now been removed in America's laws...or did you all miss that one when Bush signed it?

    You people need to stop believing everything main stream media puts in front of you. It was an inside job.

    They already said back then they would attack Iran later on...anyone read the latest on NATO's plans at present?
    Yep you guessed it, set to attack Iran.

    Welcome to the NWO.
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