The rapid change from admiration of all things American, to...

  1. 17,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    The rapid change from admiration of all things American, to revoltion ditto, is astounding.

    If Obama is not elected, then revulsion will isolate the US to pariah status if it isn't there already.

    Obama is no god, but whoever gains the mantle will inherit a dismal legacy and almost unwinable scenario, at least for some years.

    I was a great admirer of John McCain, and 8 years ago, I thought he had to beat Bush as the Republican candidate. How could anyone place an imbecile above someone of integrity and a degree of independence.

    Of course the Bush campaign destroyed him with lies, and the US public with its average IQ of 35 believed it.

    I believe McCain is the best Rep. candidate as the only one not on the nose. Only his age was against him.

    A couple of weeks ago, despite being behind, McCain chided those supporters who said Obama was a terrorist or a Muslim or whatever. McCain said, "No, Obama is a loyal American and would be a fine President, but we have fundamental differences."

    Sadly, since then others have convinced him to take the "winning is all that counts" approach and McCain has demeaned himself. It makes me very sad.

    What are the chances of an Obama victory?

    Forget the polls, it will be amazing as so many who think they need an Obama change will still fall back at the last moment to "change is scary and a Obama is different".

    Then you get Fox news, owned by Murdoch, an Australian who now propogates far right wing views through the likes of Sean Hannity.

    Watch this man and his vendetta and understand what the right will do to maintain the staus quo.

    An ode to Hannity by John Cleese.

    Aping urbanity
    Oozing with vanity
    Plump as a manatee
    Faking humanity
    Journalistic calamity
    Intellectual inanity
    Fox Noise insanity
    You're a profanity

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