Voltaire,With due respect & affection there mate but ......

  1. 79 Posts.

    With due respect & affection there mate but ... (opinion)you are so wrong with your views of Obama that it is quite concerning & exemplifies the odds we are dealing with, (re global propaganda mechanisms).

    I refer you this post first (***), I will also add a few Obama points & links for your (& other interested persons') considerations after also.

    Post #259056
    A Poignant Speech From One of the Greats ...

    (Edited) JFK Speech on Secret Societies:

    Amongst other things JFK:
    1) Issued Executive Order 11110 (which many believe was the first step of many necessary to disempower the US Federal Reserve & those that benefit from the USFRS).
    2) Rejected the Operation Northwoods proposal & fired the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    3) Began the neutralisation of the CIA beginning with the purging of all Skull & Bonesmen (eg Allen Dulles) from the ranks of the CIA & intended to remove those belonging to that secret society from all positions of representative, legislative & judicial authority.
    4) Was a (US) constitutionalist, believed in a global community WITH soveriegn rights & identity, was a Jeffersonian logician, sincerely believed in proper environmental custodianship & was anti monopolistic-economic protectionism, (all of which RFK embraced with more passion).
    5) Firmly opposed the earliest attempts at Continuity of Government (COG) mechanisms.
    6) Was a giant obstacle to the 'build-up' of the US & European military industrial complex of the sixties.
    7) Firmly opposed any activities or extensions of Operation Mockingbird in any form (re Church Commitee investigations).
    8) Believed in the principles of liberty & individualism.

    Full (unedited) speech Pt1 & Pt2:

    Presidents Give Dire Warnings of New World Order:

    NB- Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader & Chuck Baldwin are non CFR players.

    To understand:
    America is being intentionally & strategically desovereignised (from within) in order to facilitate global monopolistic control mechanisms that we can define as;
    1) Collectivist.
    2) Fascist.
    3) Oligarchial.
    4) Plutocratic.
    5) Authoritarian.

    Barack Obama is the globalist 'good guy' to perform the economic & social (constitutional) Coup de grace to American soveriegnty.
    If you have query of this statement, really investigate a guy called Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski & the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinskis' role to uber uber geo-strategy & socio-economics of the last 30+ years, then investigate his role to Obama & ask yourself who picked who & what that answer means on a dimensional sense ...

    Apathy, ignorance, indifference, disassociation is not excusable at this crossroad of sociological weight when we consider our responsabilities to generations past & present - once the biggest sovereign tree of liberty goes down, well ...

    This is actually a multi-generational open conspiracy (war of ideologies & class control) coming to fruition & it should scare the absolute crap out of everyone ...


    Apologies if any content appears pedagogical in delivery or position, (certainly not the intention), enough for now though - warm regards & best wishes to all ...

    -AIPAC speech 04/06/08, I hope people have the time to absorb & cogitate exactly what this means ...

    -Obama voted for the FISA Bill, H.R.6304, despite many claims of the firm intention to the contrary,
    (FISA = retrospective immunity to the Bush administration & any corporate entities that broke constitutional privacy laws as well as 'legalising' this process).
    For further constitutional FISA literacy start here:

    -This IS his position (sex education for pre-schoolers) & one has to acknowledge at the least the sociological dimensional implications of what this possibly means in relation to communist structures of the disempowering of the family unit vs the empowerment of the role of the state ...
    Also, those interested should find out what 'Planned Parenthood' actually is, it is a depopulation think tank - nasty nasty stuff ...

    -Obama intends to create a 'civilian defence force equal in force & funding to the US military' as well as the creation of a 'national youth brigade'.
    Think of the collectivist, fiscal & 'Marxist' implications to such proposals.

    -Obama has no track record on consistency, integrity or deliverability at all:

    The ONLY hope for America lies with Ron Paul & those that are in line with pro-constitutional, pro-soveriegn, pro-individualism, pro-libertarian, anti-globalist principles & have the courage & will (ie Cynthia McKinney + others) to cleanse the entire system of corruption & prosecute all parties proven to have acted in violiation of international law (DU weaponry, Geneva Convention etc) & committed treason in line with intentional strategic US desovereigning practices ie strategic economic destabilisation, the setting up of forward generational (American) peonage & US constitutional neutralisations ...
    We need regulation, accountability (reinstallation of checks & balances), absolute transparancy & justice not obfuscated untouchable protectionism before we can hope to avoid what is ahead.

    Obama is so linked to globalist mechanisms eg Geo-strategic circular (lollypop) domino flow example:

    Obama-->Brzezinski-->Trilateral Commission-->Rockefeller-->Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)-->Kissinger-->Rockefeller-->Royal Institute of International Affairs-->Rhodesian Round Table Groups-->Rothschild-->Fractional Reserve Banking-->Fiat Debt Based Monetary Systems-->Central Banks-->Money Cartel-->Rothschild-->Balfour Declaration-->1st World War-->English/American/German Zionists-->Balfour Declaration-->Lord Milner-->Rothschild-->Treaty of Versailles-->2nd World War-->IG Farben(Zyklon B)-->PW Bush-->Israel-->United Nations-->CIA-->Skull & Bones-->JFK assassination-->EU Constitution-->Lisbon Treaty-->WTO-->Monsanto-->Codex Alimentarius-->EU Commissioners-->EU Corpus Juris ... Goes on & on all the way back to the CFR of which Rupert Murdoch is a member of as is all five US media oligarchs () are that control more than 19,300 US radio stations & 4,100 US TV stations as is Collin Powell's son (who allowed the media hyper-consolidation to occur as US FCC Chairman in 2003) as well as Collin Powell (executive board director {remember WMD proof testimonies pre Iraq?}) that is without even looking at financial uber-players such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bernanke, Greenspan, Paulson, Buffet, Soros as is Bush Snr, Zelikow, Kissinger, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfield ...

    Serious, this is so open & hidden in plain sight if it wasn't so ominous, well ...
    None of this is 'theory' either, if one wants to spend the energy, all these things are very well documented in mainstream documented but *this* has to be looked at in it's entirety to observe certain unnatural symmetries to then see this larger machination that is undeniably in play.
    Finally, in closing, (opinion), the Bush Administration has set the stage for a forward 'event' to facilitate the final, absolute & unaccountable centralisation of authority & power which is the very thing that the war of Independance & US Founding Fathers tried to prevent in all that was contained in those designs, protections & intentions of the US being set up as a Constitutional Republic ...
    This is a multi-generational play eg Clinton (CFR) re Glass-Steagall Repeal (1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley) back to Wilson re 1908 Aldrich-Vreeland Act but this is where we are:

    Anyway, I am pushing saturation & that is not my intention. Simply really wanted to impress that Obama is far from the guy your post alluded him to be, he is certainly not the 'change' we are after.
    McCain is CFR also (anyone seeing a symmetry here) so either way we are done unless a miracle happens re Nader or McKinney & they include Ron Paul in their administration, (snowball's chance).

    If you had the time to investigate all that this post contained & gave a measured response I would certainly be very interested in your views even if dismissive - I have enormous respect for your intelligences & experience there JC.

    I also have great desire to be incorrect in most of the assumptions/observations/interpretations expressed but desire is irrelevant to what is.

    Warm regards & best wishes (to all) ...

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