Latest letter to ABC re Porter defamation claim, page-52

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 659
    But Porter said in November 2020 he had heard a “rumour” in the “vaguest terms” from an old friend that “a group of people were spreading a rumour, that I had in some way offended against the person, 33 years ago”.

    Hmmmm, November. I'm not sure your ABC reported the the case back then so could it be that there were other influences than the ABC in exposing him as the alleged rapist! I suppose the ABC has a higher audience than "a group of people"......It's a case of the same typical stereotype looking to blame & take advantage for something that would have been exposed anyway! It's long do you think his name would have been withheld from the public being the minister named by the victim for one with other opposition ministers also holding that information?
    Scomo's handling of the issue looked like a stitch up when he claimed the police investigated when they didn't rather closing the case due to both the victims passing & the time lapsed since the alleged rape. He didn't read the victim statement in full however accepted the word of his minister which together created more rage for the woke campaign to set fire on social media & demand a further enquiry.
    You would think going by CP's lawyers that the ABC is the sole responsible agency in the release of information & push for a further enquiry by a lax government.........I'm not so sure!
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