ECT 20.0% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

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  1. 11,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 671
    Is there a forum without negativity ?? , I don't think so .
    You and others have your reasons to object my/others opinions .
    The same applies to us LTs .
    You may need your investment to rose in a day or two . I am not in a hurry . I can wait .
    Sure I hate to see the SP next to nothing . But I have lots of experience with inventions , and I don't confuse a company with a new product , with a company using a drill for minerals .
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Mkt cap ! $6.343M
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0.2¢ 0.2¢ 0.2¢ $901 450.3K

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9 1756201 0.2¢

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0.3¢ 20482232 20
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Last trade - 15.20pm 13/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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