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    and feel its important to share it, it rings so true and we need to know this

    True Trust and True Love

    When people are in a relationship most of the times their feelings for each other are based on a affective love, which means their feelings are based on sexual issues, physical, economical, mental or psychological factors.
    It is often so that in relationships, and mostly during the 'butterfly-in-love' stage that the loved one can't do anything wrong, he / she is seen through pink glasses and for every negative thing he / she thinks or does there is a good and denying explanation.
    After a while this stage of 'butterfly-in-love' feelings will calm down and then the negative aspects of the loved one come surfacing, which can be hurtful, because often it is realized that the loved-one is not as 'perfect' as thought.
    Basically, the butterfly-feelings 'being-in-love' or having a crush on a person is very often self-delusional, and based on wishes and unreal thinking.

    True Trust

    Real Trust, like real and effective Love is based on knowledge and facts, it means that a person needs to objectively observe and analyze another person to know if the other person is trustworthy or not, when the other person is trustworthy, then it should be based on the facts about this person.
    In this situation it will be possible to have a sense of trust for the other and it will be based on facts and knowledge, in this situation, you know that the other person in your life won't deceive you or give you major problems.
    When there is a trust connection between two people based on knowledge (and never on mindless believes) then there can be no room for jealousy or any other negative feeling.
    Of course, in this day and age True Trust and True Trustworthiness are still faraway since people are full of materialistic thinking and cult-religious believes.
    A person becomes truly trustworthy when his/her life is aimed and geared towards the real truth about Creation and its Laws, when logic become the dictating force in a persons life then he/she will never do things consciously against logic or the Truth.

    For people to have a mutual trust connection, both need to have both trust and trustworthiness in themselves in order to form a trust-bond, which is usually the direct precursor of a true love form.

    When a true trust connection is made, it is indestructible and solid for life, in such a connection, jealousy, envy, mistrust, etc, etc can’t exist.

    True Love

    Actual effective Love, regardless on the form of love, is based on an absolute knowledge, Truth and Trust
    In the form of a binding-love between a man and a woman it's the absolute certainty that both are one in an indivisible union, in balance of positive and negative.
    This means that feeling a union with your spouse/partner, etc it also means that you are honest and address any positive and negative issue in an equal and balanced basis.
    This means that you correct a negative action of your partner for the reason to help your partner to evolve and learn from his/her mistake.
    When you feel / sense a true love for a person, based on trust and out of mutual evolution, this bond will be unbreakable for all times, in life and in death.
    Whenever you are thousands of miles apart, you always will feel him or her close to you since the love bond is always there.
    So, create true love on the balance of positive and negative, be honest to yourself, and towards the other, and know, feel and trust that the love bond with the other is for all time to come.

    The book 'Law of Love' - 'Gesetz der Liebe' page 10

    Liebe ist absolute Gewissheit dessen, selbst in allem mitzuleben und mitzuexistieren, so in allem existenten: In Fauna und Flora, im Mitmenschen, in jeglicher materiellen und geistigen Lebensform gleich welcher Art, und im Bestehen des gesamten Universums und darüber hinaus.


    Love is the absolute certainty to live and exist yourself in all existence: In the fauna and Flora, with your fellow human, with every material and spiritual lifeform regardless which form they belong to, and in existence of the whole Universe and above.Jakobjn


    Post Number: 539
    Registered: 06-2006
    Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010 - 08:08 am:
    Copy of excerpt from Post #354 by Phaethonsfire
    in the Spiritual Terminology subtopic:


    Love, The Law of: Love is a creational law.

    Love is absolute certainty of oneself living and existing in everything that exists: In fauna and flora, in the fellow-human being, in each material and spiritual life form of any kind, and in the existence of the entire universe and beyond it.

    Love in its essential definition means this:

    To feel absolute certainty that one lives in all existent in absolute certainty and absolute feeling that the existence of the others is a part-existence of ones own existence, regardless if its a plant, spiritform, an animal, a planet, a rock or a fellow human being.

    Love is the absolute certainty and the absolute knowledge and the absolute feeling and the absolute grasping, that ALL life is a part of ones own life, while everything is a whole-us-collective (Gesamt-wir-form) in ur-alltime BEING of all existence and only can exist in knowing and sensing of Love als whole-existence.

    Love is the absolute knowledge and feeling, the absolute sensing and joint living in unity in ur-identical form with all existent life in all whole-universal form and beyond that, in the absolute wisdom, that ones own existence is a part-existence of all other existent lifeforms, which are on their turn a part of ones own existence, and that all whole-universal lifeforms just exist because of this reason.

    Love contains/holds within a logicality (Folgerichtigkeit), in other words: logicality lies in love, because love has a cause and an effect.

    Love is created from causal factors, from what logicality results (depending on the love form and love?s intensity).

    Besides love, that which is spiritual and consciousness-related also has a certain logical development = logicality.
    Logic brings a certain effect from a cause, and this effect is cause for the next effect, etc.

    Love is a creational and "empfindungsgeprägtes" element. Logic is founded in creational laws (Gesetzmässigkeiten). Logic includes causality (cause and effect) and growing and passing away (Werden und Vergehen).

    Every principle of the Creation, the universe and all its lifeforms are founded in the The Law of Love. Love is the founding principle of ALL principles. Every other principle is classified under the principles of Time, Space and Spirit.
    So love can only be existent in the principles of Time, Space and Spirit, which are the foundations for Love.

    This means that love, spirit, time and space cant be seen apart form each other and form a indivisable unity.

    There are 4 (four) main loveforms, although love knows many variants:

    1. Bindinglove (Love in a marriage, monogamic and polygamic union)
    2. Platoniclove (love between people without sex, friendshiplove)
    3. Universallove (love for everything, regardless material or spiritual)
    4. Brotherly/Sisterly love (love for a 'stranger' to help without any personal gain and without any judging)
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