Prohibition of rum smuggling failed to work in 1808.Prohibition...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Prohibition of rum smuggling failed to work in 1808.
    Prohibition of people smuggling is not working now.
    More law and order cannot solve social problems.

    Is there no solution? There is, from reading our history:
    NSW Governor Lachlan Macquarie put rum smugglers
    out of business by legalising imports and taxing them.

    Macquarie turned enforcement costs into a huge
    revenue steam that built Sydney Hospital (that still
    stands today as a testament to wise government)
    plus the revenue from taxing rum imports built
    over 200 other badly-needed public works.

    The Commonwealth Government can put people
    smugglers out of business (and eliminate leaky
    boats and drownings) by legalising airlines to
    import asylum-seekers for a pre-paid fee of
    the airfare plus half what smugglers charge.
    Airlines remit the cash to the Government.

    Rich migrants (for a fat fee) are already jumping
    the queue so why not let the Government make
    money from a tax on asylum seekers instead of
    smugglers getting rich and costing us billions
    from futile prohibition and detention efforts.

    Worrying about gene pollution and being
    swamped by people who are 'not like us'
    is racism masked as 'border protection'.

    Within 10 years of gold being found in
    Australia our population tripled. Few
    had 'identity papers' and Australia
    got rich from economic refugees
    who were 'not like us'. But they
    changed Australia by marrying
    us and endowed Australia with
    the Hybrid Vigour that comes
    from a multicultural nation.

    Monoculturalism has been dead for decades.
    Disinterring 'White Australia' (and calling it
    'border protection') is economic lunacy.

    Governor Lachlan Macquarie did away with
    prohibition and New South Wales prospered.
    America prospered from boat after boat of
    'huddled masses'. As President Roosevelt
    said: "All we have to fear is fear itself."

    So don't read Murdoch's 'Australian' or
    'Sydney Telegraph'. They prey on your
    fear and prejudice like African hyenas
    to help the Libs oust Labor on orders
    from News Corporation in New York.

    For fair and balanced reporting I read
    Fairfax's 'Australian Financial Review'
    and the 'Sydney Morning Herald'.

    But if you want to pollute your mind
    with Murdoch fear-mongering, go
    ahead. It's better than polluting
    your mind with Alan Jones
    but sadly not by much.
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