lawsuit against stolz and sasek, page-7

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Rampage

    Something to hide for sure. If governments made frank and reasonable explanations there'd be no need for any speculation, but that will never happen on planet Earth.
    They really do take us for a bunch of mugs with some of the garbage we are expected to believe to remain in good standing in the church of politically correct and officially sanctioned good citizenship.

    Another little game of hide and seek is the British government's extension of the 50 year secrecy law from 1995 to 2025 for WW2 documents. More to hide. They said it was for "national security" more like "national embarrassment"IMO. It will all come out when no one is interested, say in another 200 years lol.Sort of like the Crimean War, the Franco Prussian War the English Civil war etc, no problem here help yourself, mainly because no one really cares.

    What just annoys me is the almost religious need to have everyone believe the same story no matter how ridiculous it may happen to be. I don't care what others believe, I don't try to "convert" anyone yet some seem to have the need to punish the heretics. Kinda medieval IMO.

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