LCY 0.00% 0.9¢ legacy iron ore limited

lcy taking over haw, page-46

  1. 10,495 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 736
    sorry, I got the numbers wrong in the last post

    "after SPP HAW (if fully subscribed) has total 2,608,929,230 which includes [email protected] placement to LCY. So 60% of it 1,565,357,538 would be distributed to Legacy shareholders."

    total outstanding shares in HAW is still 2,608,929,230 (if SPP fully subscribed), out of this 2.6b LCY owns 583,333,333, then for 60% of HAW that they will issue additional 2,455,060,513 HAW shares to LCY which makes LCY holds total 3,038,393,846 HAW. (total HAW:5,063,989,743)

    Then based on the above
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Mkt cap ! $87.85M
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0.9¢ 0.9¢ 0.9¢ $1.8K 200K

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16 2132835 0.8¢

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0.9¢ 319372 2
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