Leadership is back in danger, page-153

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    Turnbull may move on Abbott this week


    September 13, 2015: Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has rejected a request from Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s supporters to publicly rule out a leadership challenge.

    Malcolm Turnbull may challenge Tony Abbott for the top job this week before the Canning by-election in Western Australia, which insiders suggest could make or break the prime minister's hold on the leadership.
    Reports suggest the communications minister may move this week because a three-week recess will follow the Canning by-election.

    That would give Mr Abbott the chance to call a snap double dissolution, betting the government's fortunes on out-campaigning Opposition Leader Bill Shorten despite lagging in opinion polls and heading off a challenge.

    Nine Network political editor Laurie Oakes says Mr Turnbull has refused requests from Abbott supporters to publicly rule out a challenge.

    Oakes says government whip Andrew Nikolic sent a message to Mr Turnbull, reportedly at the request of Mr Abbott, and there was a request from another senior Abbott backer.

    Mr Turnbull reportedly refused to respond publicly, saying that any leadership chatter only fuelled more speculation.
    Mr Turnbull's office has been contacted for comment.

    Tony Abbott speaks to reporters in Perth today. (AAP)
    If a challenge does occur, it will be the second against Mr Abbott since February.
    Mr Abbott won the last party room ballot by a single vote.

    The Canning by-election has put new pressure on Mr Abbott's hold on the prime ministership.
    Two polls, a News Corp Galaxy poll and a Fairfax/Ipsos poll, predicted a savage 10 per cent swing, two-party preferred, against the government on Saturday. The swing is not enough to unseat the Liberals in Canning, which is held with a 12 per cent margin, but strengthens the anti-Abbott push.

    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/20...party-room-suppprt-dutton#VB26scezDB2UhDje.99
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