Leading indicators of an economic contraction, page-656

  1. 10,404 Posts.
    Does anyone feel that Trump's impeachment may weaken his resolve to get a "good" deal with the Chinese?

    I don't think Trump's distracted by the impeachment process at all. It's a Republican dominated Senate. In the vote to Impeach him there wasn't one Republican discenter, 5 democrats though. It's a complete waste of time with a known outcome.

    Xi wanted some form of settlement for domestic purposes mainly to forestall the new round of tariff increases due last Sunday, Trumps got an election that's a shoe in come November 2020 so he needs markets nice and content.

    The really big issue is the battle for supremacy between China and the US. The US is in the box seat having the economic might and will use this to destroy China soviet style....21 autonomous states. But that's a very long way off. CCP meddling in China, South America, Asia and, as we know, Australia, shows how paranoid the CCP is. A little bit like Pol Pot. The CCP politburo must see enemies under every leaf.

    There probably are.

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