learn a lesson sooker/yikety yak!, page-19

  1. 364 Posts.
    "Yeah like till 1967, Jews had free access to their holy sites......Right.

    What a dumb-arsed ignorant comment.

    Even now the only ones who don't have access to their holy places are .....the Jews.

    We are not allowed on the Temple Mount......our Temple Mount....because we might upset the Arabs.

    It's called the Temple Mount.....and has been called the Temple Mount for some 3 thousand years, but since the Arabs built their Mosque on top of it.......(hmmm...didn't Islam come on the scene only 1,200 years ago.....and the mosque was built some time after that? But what's maths between friends........)Jews can't go there."

    Howdy Snooker.
    Can you imagine for a split second that either christians or Jews were to build a church or synagogue on top of mosque? The crazy muslims would turn the world upside down. Yet, for them to build a mosque on the temple mount is quite ok, as you see, its ok for those sick twisted followers of the pedophile mohamad to do such things, burn down churches or synagogues, as they can dish such things out but heaven forbid if its done to them..... that is the nature of Islam. I would like to see that piece of crap mosque burnt down to the ground, hell, I would do it myself if I could, allowing the Jews to worship there in freedom. Jerusalem that does not get one single mention in the koran, is such a holy city to the muslims..... if it was that holy, you would think there would be some mention. If I had my way, there wouldnt be one muslim in the west bank, or the gaza strip. Snooker, you jews are totally mad. You sit around getting blown up day after day, and your retaliations are a joke. Get rid of those insame muslims and get rid of them now, before another drop of israeli blood is shed. Occupied territories my foot. They tried to destroy Isreal on several occasions and ended up getting their buts kicked each time. They lost the wars and land, land that once belonged to israel anyway. Having finished with the pallies, I would turn around and get rid of all the arab Israeli citizens whose purpose is to bring down the state of Israel.

    How is that for a plan?

    My only regret would be for the palestinians ( assuming there are some ) that are willing to give peace a chance. If there are any they must be in the minority, as I havent seen any of them demonstrating asking for peace.

    That's my dummy spit, and I mean every word.

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