it is sad it really is. I could write for ever about how our way...

  1. 3,124 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 615
    it is sad it really is. I could write for ever about how our way of life is being destroyed by left wing govts in Australia and around the world. Energy crisis around world due to climate cultists. Look at Sri Lanka as an example of left wing govt destroying the country led by climate cultist PM.

    It is a tragedy in Aust our Govt is also led by climate cultists , greens and teals who all think fossil fuels are evil.

    Our way of life is under attack and people allow it by voting for these climate nutter MPs.

    In Vic we have no gas Dan Andrews. Honestly how does this bloke get to bankrupt our state turn off reliable energy sources and still remain in power. When will Victorians wake up that this bloke is evil.

    I could write for hours but the world is buggered if people keep voting in these climate nutter MPs.
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