Don't pillory the rescuersJanuary 8, 2005Members of the...

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    Don't pillory the rescuers
    January 8, 2005

    Members of the coalition of the willing are leading tsunami relief, writes Tony Parkinson.

    It takes unusual Schadenfreude - not to mention a heart of granite - to clamber over the corpses of 150,000 tsunami victims in order to make a rhetorical point about war in Iraq.

    Enter George Monbiot, darling of the left, columnist for The Guardian newspaper, and veteran of the "evil Amerikkka" school of opinion. Amid an epic story of human suffering - and displaying crass indifference to the heroism and sacrifice of a desperate relief effort - Monbiot this week produced a crude polemic on why the United States and its allies ought be held culpable for the humanitarian crisis across the Indian Ocean.

    The article's original headline in The Guardian was this: "The victims of the tsunami pay the price of war on Iraq" (it appeared in The Age on Thursday under the heading "The West spends more on killing than saving").

    The punchline was this: "If the money they have promised to the victims of the tsunami still falls far short of the amounts required, it is partly because the contingency fund upon which they draw in times of crisis has been spent on blowing people to bits in Iraq."

    This unseemly ideological posturing defies the reality of what is actually happening on the ground in southern Asia as the world grapples with the aftermath of the tsunami.

    Here are the incontrovertible, unassailable facts Monbiot would rather we ignored:

    Australia, the United States and Japan are leading relief operations in the worst-affected nation, Indonesia. India has taken charge of operations in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

    As of Thursday, the aid pledges of Australia, Japan and the US (totalling more than $US1.6 billion) constituted almost half the entire commitment by governments across the world. Australia ($US765 million) topped the list, followed by Germany ( $US680 million), Japan ($US500 million), the United States ($US350 million), Norway ($US180 million), and Britain ($US96 million). It should be noted, in passing, that one characteristic shared by four of the top six donor nations is they happen also to be members of the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq.

    Next, add into the calculations the direct, practical contributions to the emergency efforts. Australia flew into northern Sumatra cargo planes, medics, transport and logistics specialists, and 850 troops. Washington ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln, 20 support ships and more than 9000 troops to sail from Hong Kong.

    This huge deployment included floating hospitals, helicopters to fly the wounded or stranded, surveillance aircraft, and equipment to generate millions of litres of drinkable water. As acknowledged by Michael Elmquist, co-ordinator of UN relief operations in Indonesia, the US military had brought to Sumatra unique capacities that would make a critical difference for many tens of thousands of villagers in remote areas.

    By any commonsense standard of fairness and decency, these facts would be allowed to speak for themselves. But, for Monbiot, having devoted a lifetime's work to depicting the West as greedy and exploitative, such facts are unhelpful. They must be trumped with prejudice and bile.

    In all this, there is one unavoidable - if seldom acknowledged - reality about the world today, as much as Monbiot and his fan club would choose to deny it. Strong, confident, successful societies such as the US and Australia come to the fore at times of crisis such as this for a very simple reason. More often than not, there is nobody else capable or willing.

    Before much longer, the UN and its agencies will take up the lead role in the relief effort. But the fact is the world body finds itself hampered by slow-moving bureaucratic machinery.

    This is precisely why, in a hectic round of impromptu disaster management in the hours that followed the December 26 tsunami, the US, Japan, India and Australia formed a core group to develop aconsidered plan of action, and get the international response up and running.

    In the first instance, it fell to hard-working American and Australian military personnel to do the heavy lifting in devastated Aceh. For this, they should be praised, not pilloried.

    From faraway London, Monbiot froths with moral indignation over how the affluent West has failed the peoples of the Indian Ocean. He is wrong. Grievously wrong.

    And were I one of the shell-shocked millions struggling through this desperate nightmare, I know which vision of commitment and compassion I would rather rely upon.

    Tony Parkinson is international editor of The Age.

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