Lehrmann defamation trial judgement today, page-376

  1. 11,802 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 750
    Geez you can embarrass yourself.

    NIL Evidence as expected and just a diatribe of a false theory of yours.

    Bunn you are the one who is not in fact keeping up with social changes.

    In order to help you I will point out that feminism as it is today is different to how it was even 5 years ago. Now we have DEI and job quotas ( merit out the window but check who is flying your plane or doing your brain surgery ) and Me Too and and single mother families becoming the norm and those single mum families producing kids with a far higher crime rate compared to the two sex household. We now have woman proudly proclaiming their 300 lovers in a year or 7 a day on holiday with zero shame.

    We now have fitness standards for firemen and police dramatically lowered to enable more woman to join. About as clear an example of society being weakened as you can get. We have marks required for Uni entry to most subjects also lowered - the mediocrity rewarding just goes on and on and does indeed weaken society.

    Celebrating and praising mediocrity was a thing of 30 years ago which persists to now rather than a recent change. male teachers were largely hounded out of teaching then and remain largely absent to this day.

    Should you ever require being picked up and carried out of a burning building by a fireman because you are unconscious pray that a strong man is the fireman that shows up rather than a DEI female there on a quota.
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