@Scott th Ratbag - I am sorry to see so much energy devoted to...

  1. 18,348 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    @Scott th Ratbag - I am sorry to see so much energy devoted to these two silly people.
    I have worked in very similar circumstances; in a very public place, where one went to work, (but NOT after work), even though there were rumours about at my place of work and I have been the recipient of unwanted attention by men, who have little physical effort to put into their work and basically sit around all day, 'arguing' 'discussing' the finer and often not so fine points of opinions and party politicking. Yes one could get friendly with the 'bosses', they positively encouraged it, but it was better to keep one's distance.
    The woman in question here (I don't even know her name, that's how little this interested me) knew very well she wasn't going to take her 'friend' back to work to actually catch up on some work, but to seek out a lonely place for a tryst.
    She is no longer a young teenager, so she should know a little about how a man would have viewed her consent to return back to 'work' with him.
    A clear-cut case of bad decisions IMO - mostly on her part. The man did what most men would do, see an opportunity and have a willing friend who seemed happy to enter a tryst, back 'at work'.

    The fact that we have a public who are hungry for scandal and anything salacious, and reporters (and lawyers) etc. who make a living out of this, has netted the 'victim' in this whole sorry saga a nice sum and she is now living a comfortable life - I hear - somewhere in the south of France.
    The man in question was ill-advised to try for 'justice' again - yes he is older, he is 'the man' and should have kept it in his trousers, but there was consent, simply by someone coming along to an assuredly lonely place, a familiar place, a work place.

    I find this whole business sordid and immature and it has probably deprived this man of any chances for a reasonable job - plus he now has the cost to bear, his reputation is ruined, wheres the woman in question is well-off, has the sympathy of the public, she has the press behind her and is several millions of dollars better off. Women who do this for a living would be jealous - so much for so little 'work'.

    Well-played, Lady!!!

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