Leigh Sales - Crawling crawling crawling !!!, page-51

  1. 10,437 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 142
    Mark Scott and head of Medicare get more than Prime Minister because even Jackie Lambie with her qualifications could be PM or Premier or Major of her Tassy Town. Politicians don't need any better skills than being able to lie as lawyers or Union officials and scheme and use media to tell lies to their voters without punishment from ACCC which all businesses except govt businesses need to adhere to. Not sure that ABC or Medicare would be able to be sued by ACCC for lying to customers or making false promises they never intended to keep.

    Mark Scott is not as bad a CEO as I first considered as he was ready with his plans to swiftly announce staff cuts which must have been pre-planned I can imagine.

    Did he know in advance or did he guess it , did he want to do it and waited for LNP to blame I wonder? Did he really need to cut 400 staff which if 1% of staff costs would indicate a staff of 40,000? I agree with his view to keep pushing with digital media programs which must be annoying News Ltd I bet.

    Someone has to do the actual dirty work of retrenching people and Mark Scott is the guy who gets paid to deliver the bad news to those he wants to cut out of his budget and deserves his extra pay imo.

    Politicians keep promising all the benefits but we never hear how they propose to pay for the goodies they offering to every special interest group and voters.

    I not heard how ALP in Victoria are going to raise the extra $37 Biilion they intend spending ontop of what LNP spend now on projects. Has anyone? The pollies know they can lie and promise anything to win votes and then reneg...later without fear of $Million fines like Caltex or others if they advertise false offerings.

    WHY? BECAUSE OUR LAWS ARE FAULTY TO SEVE THE RULING ALP OR LNP or you tell me why dear readers.
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