Chill out Denben. When it comes to coherent arguments, you and...

  1. 386 Posts.
    Chill out Denben. When it comes to coherent arguments, you and your few acolytes are on a hiding and you know it. The game is over. You just don't realise it yet.

    A few comments about 7.30.

    Once again Leigh Sales launched out of the blocks like a .... have to be careful, I was censored by the moderators yesterday ............ like a typical ABC interviewer with a particular political bent. She faced News Ltd's Campbell Reid, a quietly spoken fellow. Leigh frothed a bit and hit him with her best shot, allegations of news Ltd bias against Labor. Fell flat.

    .... just a pause here. The ABC railing against News alleged bias? Pot. Kettle.

    Anyway. Reid batted her away and she looked increasingly shrill. She gave up any pretence of a professional interview and turned to debating him. It's a desperate ploy we've seen lately from Barry Cassidy and Tony Jones on ABC too. They're smart. They realise the game is up.

    Reid made her look shrill, and made her look like a fool. If 7.30 is to survive in its present format it needs to dump a presenter who thinks her job is to tilt at windmills and put in a real professional journalist, not a Labor acolyte.
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