Ghost1 asks:"What has happened ..Is the Earth shaking"What...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Ghost1 asks:

    "What has happened ..
    Is the Earth shaking"

    What happened today is the PM said 'Sorry' for
    the bad things that non-indigeous Australians
    did to indigenous Australians following the
    invasion and occupation of Australia.

    He didn't say 'Sorry' for the good things that
    non-ingenous Australian did - nor did he
    mention all the good and bad things
    that indigenous Australians did
    during the past 220 years.

    He focused (as was fitting and proper)
    only on the bad things that were
    done by non-indigenous Aussies
    to indigenous Aussies and he
    did so without qualification.

    By 'qualification' I assume he was referring
    to all the efforts by a political party (that
    shall remain nameless to protect our
    more sensitive HC members) that
    tried to cloud the issue and water
    down the apology by saying :

    "Yes but they did some bad things and
    we did some good things so why
    bother with an apology."

    Yeah well Hitler was nice to his
    German Shepherd and to his
    mistress - so perhaps he
    was not such a bad
    chap after all!

    Steady on Graham! What did the PM say 'Sorry'
    for that has anything to do with Adolf Hitler?

    Hitler tried to implement a 'Final Solution'
    (extermination) to the 'Jewish Problem'.

    Australia *succeeded* in implementing
    a 'Final Solution' to the 'Aboriginal
    Problem' in Tasmania.

    Australia *almost* succeeded in implementing
    a 'Final Solution' to the 'Aboriginal Problem'
    on the mainland, but the vast and arid
    nature of inland Australia prevented
    the complete extermination
    of the Aboriginal race.

    That seem a very good reason
    to say 'Sorry' and without any
    weasel words that water
    down or qualify our
    nation's vile crimes
    against humanity.

    Yes Ghost1 today the
    Earth *did* skake and
    it was not before
    time either!
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