Lets cut to the chase here.

  1. 84,295 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Can we imagine Tony Abbott saying this?

    Can we imagine Joe Hockey understanding this?

    ""Mr Speaker, we are living in the most exciting times to be an Australian. The opportunities and challenges of a rapidly globalising economy are remarkable. The rate of economic and technological change is utterly without precedent. And so an Australia which succeeds in remaining a high wage, generous social welfare net economy, which should be our goal, must be agile, must be dynamic, it must be looking to the future," he says.

    "The future is one of great opportunities and that requires confidence and leadership and it will be lost if we embrace the politics of fear and scaremongering, of which the Leader of the Opposition is so fond.""

    Well, I can't -------- even look at Joe in the pic --------------- he hasn't got a clue.

    I really hope Turnbull is meaning what I hope he is meaning here - it is our only hope IMO.


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